Chapter 1 [ The Ice Princess' Resurrection ]

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A woman who looked to be around 18 years old looked coldly at several people who were pointing guns at her. She looked bored, as if she had experienced the same thing a thousand times.

Without rising from her ice-cold throne, the woman slaughtered the people who tried to attack her. There was no light in her eyes. Only a blank, cold stare that looked tired. She had lived a long time in her castle made of ice that was neatly arranged aesthetically.

In her long life, the woman nicknamed the Ice Princess had continuously killed everyone who set foot in her castle, without being able to go out to see the world. It wasn't that the princess enjoyed killing people. It was because everyone who came to see her just wanted to kill her.

"How much longer... do I have to be like this..."

Her suffering started several thousand years ago, when the world was still running normally.

About 30,000 years ago. The earth experienced a terrible disaster in all its parts. For whatever reason, eternal winter came suddenly. Not only limited to unrelenting snow and storms, some beasts that have never seen their forms continue to appear.

Many people did not survive all that, the survivors increased their strength and eradicated those creatures. But as if there was no end in sight, they continued to appear.

In just 1 year, humanity's population decreased to ⅓. That number also continued to decrease over time. Until in the 5th year, a group of humans with extraordinary abilities banded together and tried to destroy the eternal winter that struck.

The group originally numbered 30 people, but only 6 people managed to penetrate the winter forest and reach the cause of winter, the Ice Queen. The brave six fought the Ice Queen with all their might. The Ice Queen was killed and winter slowly disappeared. Everyone cheered and regarded the six as heroes. But ironically... their heroes also died while fighting the Ice Queen. To commemorate the heroes, they kept a moment of silence every year on the same day, not knowing that it was just the beginning.

All their heroes were indeed dead. Their hearts had stopped beating and their breath was no longer felt.


The youngest hero member, an orphan girl from an orphanage in the suburbs of the Asian Continent experienced an unusual event. Although her heart stopped beating, she got up as if nothing had happened.

Her body, which was divided in two, was reunited without a trace. Her short black hair extended to her knees and turned snow-white. The yellowish-brown skin paled and became icy cold. The black eyes that were dark at night as if frozen by the icy cold, became silver-blue. Her round ears tapered slightly at the tips.

The scars all over her body were healed and smooth like a newborn's. Her tall and slender body shrank slightly, her face also youngened along with her body. Cold air surrounded her body. And strangely thanks to all these changes, she looked more beautiful than anyone else in the world. But also...

Far more tormented than anyone else in the world.

[ Tower ]

Entrances appear in various worlds. Whoever manages to conquer the tower, will be able to fulfill all her/his wishes no matter what. Even becoming a god.

There are conditions for entering the tower. The condition is to complete tutorials held in various worlds. The name is tutorial, in fact it is like an apocalypse for that world. Every world that becomes a tutorial arena will experience destruction that tests its inhabitants. People who successfully complete the tutorial are entitled to enter the tower. Of course, there are some cases where children are born in the tower, such children must go to one of the tutorial arenas before being expelled from the tower.

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