Chapter 77 [ Delta's Diary ]

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Bere could not bear to look at her. This woman's injuries were too severe. Even so, she could not give up.

"Here's the warm water and alcohol, Bere Nee-san!!!" Ruka exclaimed.

"Nice, thanks Ruka!"

"Right now, prepare the floating pillow! I can give first aid, but we still need to get to the hospital as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" Ruka replied.

Once the floating pillow was ready, Bere carefully picked up Zeta and placed her onto it. Bere and Ruka also got on after her. And without wasting any more time, the pillow immediately flew to the nearest hospital.

Bere performed first aid on the pillow. It would take too long if she did it in the original place.

Bere tilted Zeta's arm up slightly. At least higher than the heart. This could help reduce blood flow to the injured area. But at the same time, Zeta's heartbeat was weakened by the effect of the lightning strike.

"Shit!!! Why are lightning strikes and bleeding combined into one!!!?" Bere was annoyed.

"It's so hard, you bastard!"

When breathing and heartbeat weaken or even stop due to lightning, the step that must be taken is to pump the victim's heart. But if Zeta's heart is pumped now, it could actually make the bleeding worse.

Bere thought for a moment. But no matter what, she didn't have much choice. She had to do everything she could now.

"Fuck! What's more important now is her breathing and heart first! If it stabilizes, then I'll take care of the bleeding again."

"I hope the bleeding doesn't get worse because of this!"

Bere tightened the cloth ties on Zeta's arm before she laid her back down. Bere began CPR by performing 30 chest compressions. She placed her palms in the center of Zeta's chest at the high sternum, then performed compressions at a depth of about 5-6 cm and a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Bere also made sure to fully elevate her palms each time she performed the compressions.

After 30 chest compressions, Bere continued by giving two mouth-to-mouth breaths. She covered Zeta's mouth with her, while flattening Zeta's nose with her fingers and exhaling with about one second for each breath. Bere ensured that Zeta's chest rose while breathing and kept the air from escaping too much while releasing her mouth.

She continued the cycle of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing in a 30:2 ratio. After giving two mouth-to-mouth breaths, return to chest compressions for 30 times, then give two more mouth-to-mouth breaths, and so on.

Mouth-to-mouth breathing in CPR aims to supply oxygen to the victim's lungs and remove carbon dioxide that has accumulated. By providing sufficient oxygen, the body's tissues can be maintained and vital organs such as the brain can still get the oxygen supply they need. In addition, mouth-to-mouth breathing also helps maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

Meanwhile, CPR with chest compression provides benefits in maintaining blood flow to vital organs. Because blood compression can maintain minimal blood circulation, which is important for maintaining brain function and other vital organs.

After Zeta's breathing stabilized and her heart rate was not as weak as before, Bere stopped doing it. She had to refocus on the bleeding. Because sure enough, pumping Zeta's heart made the blood also flow out a little in the hemorrhage.

Bere again tilted Zeta so that the position of the wound was higher than the heart. Then the girl used a clean cloth with warm water to gently clean the wound. After cleaning the wound, Bere used a bandage or clean cloth to protect and cover the wound. She wrapped the bandage loosely, and avoided putting excessive pressure on the wound.

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