Chapter 44 [ Mission Clear ]

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The girl's determination and effort impressed Naeva. Without realizing it, a satisfied smile spread across her face. And once she realized she was smiling, Naeva giggled.

"Pfft..." She let out a small laugh.

Naeva walked towards the altar, she placed her hand there.
"Hmm... It's far from full. Even though it got that excited, it was only filled up a little."

"But that kid is right. Although it's a little, it's enough to delay the fall for a few years."

"Ughh... Ngh..."
Naeva glanced at the origin of the voice. The Sun Priest was still alive, and still trying to escape. But he was already on the verge of death.

Letting out a small sigh, Naeva extended her hand towards the man.
"You can't die yet. It would be troublesome if people knew he was murder."

[Time Freeze]

Instantly, the man's body was frozen, not frozen by ice like Naeva was used to. It was time that had stopped. He would not die, as long as his time had not resumed.

"Death is on hold," Naeva thought indifferently.

Some of you may have misunderstood Naeva's true power.

Naeva's original ability was not ice magic like Ophelia thought. To be precise, it's not just ice magic. Ice magic is just a branch of that ability.

The ability Naeva gained from the strange voice that made her live forever was...


Freezing. And that doesn't just apply to making things into ice. Naeva can freeze anything she wants. Not just "things" and "living beings", invisible things like "space", "time", "spirit", etc. are also able to be frozen. Naeva only realized this when thousands of years had passed on Earth.

The ice manipulation ability she usually uses is a reward for completing the tutorial boss, Ice Queen. While the ability to freeze everything (Frozen) is a gift (?) she got from the strange female voice in the prologue. She used it quite rarely, because using the ability given by that female made her feel rather disturbed. She doesn't like using abilities that are of unclear origin.

Especially since Naeva also suspected that the real reason she could be immortal was because... Her time (age) has been frozen for eternity.

And that wasn't something that could be done easily. Naeva had tried to undo the time freeze many times. But not even she could undo the time freeze. No matter what she tried to do. That's how Naeva couldn't help but admit, that whoever froze her time forever, was someone on the level of a God.

"The sun is almost up, it's time to go back,"
Naeva realized the air was starting to warm up.

The girl intended to create a similar snow cloud to carry Cleopatra. However, right before she sent Cleopatra...

Her eyes narrowed slightly.

"This child..."
Naeva had never seen this kind of condition before.

As soon as Naeva touched Cleopatra's body, a strange heat seared her skin. Right now, Cleopatra's body temperature was extremely high. Naeva believed it was around 58°C right now.

Cleopatra's current body temperature even beats the hottest temperature on Earth recorded in 1913, in California's Death Valley where it reached 134°F or 56.7°C. That she's still alive is an incredible anomaly. Naeva knew that there were various races living in the Tower. But the Anubis race is not a race characterized by high temperatures. They're more human-like than you might think. Of course, their normal temperature is 36.5-37.2°C like an ordinary person.

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