Chapter 65 [ Calliope Familiy ]

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A little while ago
East Decision Labyrinth

Ophelia walked slowly through every door and intersection that Madam Lin directed her to. The decision of what answer to choose was in her hands. All Ophelia had to do was walk the path she chose.

So far there had been no problems. Madam Lin used a different strategy from Envy. If Envy chose answers with big points in difficult questions and small or medium points in easy questions, Madam Lin was the opposite. She chose answers with big points in easy questions and answers with small points in difficult questions.

Thanks to that, Ophelia wasn't faced with powerful monsters or tricky traps.

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You as a military commander are in a complex battle on a difficult terrain. Powerful enemy forces are defending their positions tightly. On the other hand, your troops do not have enough food supplies for the long term. You have to make strategic decisions to overcome this situation. Which strategy option will you choose?

a) Launch a direct attack with the main army.
b) Use sideways attack tactics to deceive the enemy.
c) Depending on more specific situational factors.

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Ophelia stopped in front of a door with a question that she found quite difficult compared to the simple riddles she had faced before.

What Ophelia saw was automatically transmitted to Madam Lin's screen, so she didn't have to do anything. No need to think about anything. However, Ophelia's brain would also automatically think of the answer. Although sometimes, what she thinks is different from Madam Lin's decision.

"The answer is optional. It depends on the situation which can vary, battlefield, objectives, etc. But..."

Ophelia's eyes focused on one sentence in the question.
Your troops do not have enough food supplies for the long term.

The girl let out a small sigh. To her, this was an easy question.
"Since it's against the clock too, the correct answer is obviously B."

"Now, what will she choose?"

After waiting for a few minutes, the telepathic channel connecting Ophelia and Madam Lin channeled the sound.

// My cute kitty, take B // said Madam Lin with a friendly smile.

Ophelia nodded, she pointed her index finger to choose answer B.
"Hmm... She knows."

"But this..."

"Madam, isn't this a difficult type of question?" asked Ophelia.

// So? //

"Why did you choose the big point answer?"

// Ara? I thought you wouldn't ask. Sweetie, do you know where you are now? //

Ophelia felt she had walked far enough and answered many questions too. But that didn't mean she could know where she was now. So she just shook her head.

// Fufufu... You've almost reached the center of the Labyrinth. It should be a while before you run into Durren's Delta or Envy //

// Maybe it's time to show your skills. The two of them must start getting serious after reaching the middle of the Labyrinth //

// We can't miss it //

Ophelia understands. Now is the time.
".... Yes, madam."

There was a reason why Ophelia was chosen as Madam Lin's Avatar even though Madam Lin actually regretted Ophelia being a betting item. But the girl's ability as a Calliope Family was very useful for this kind of gambling. It would be a waste if she did not utilize them.

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