Chapter 19

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Emily's POV

Danielle and I sat outside for about 10 minutes until she was completely calm, she remained in my lap which surprised me. She hasn't made a move to move and neither did I, I honestly just didn't want to scare her

"I'm sorry that I got on you like that" I say and gently run my fingers through her hair

"It's okay" she whispers and I felt her fingers start to run the length of my arm

"It's not and I apologize, I promise to be more sensitive" I say

"Do you want to get up and grab our food so we can head home?" I ask and she doesn't respond but she stands up on her own, I really hope that she doesn't start getting distant with me again,

I feel like today was a big breakthrough and it would suck if we went backwards

"I don't want to. Go back in" she tells me and I nod and hand her my car keys

"That's fine, go sit in the car and I'll be there in a second" I say and she nods and heads towards the car,

I went into the cafe and got our food and paid and took everything to the car where Danielle was waiting on me

The drive back to the apartment was quiet, I figured I just needed to give her the car ride to herself and I would talk to her when we get home

Like suspected she walked to her room immediately and I set myself busy putting away the food from the cafe, once that was done I decided on talking to Danielle

To be honest I just wanted to see if she would still be relaxed with me

I knocked on her door and waited for an okay before entering,

She had just looked up to me from her phone before setting her phone down

I sat on the edge of her bed and just waited a moment before I started to talk

"I was thinking of watching a movie... would you like to join me?" I ask her, she hesitates and just looked at me before nodding,

I smiled and stood up and she did the same but grabbed her blanket that she brought with her when she arrived

We went to the living room and sat down, she sat on opposite sides of the couch then I did but I still take it as a win

"Alright; what movie?" I ask her

"Tangled? I mean I know it's a kid movie I just.... I don't know I just like it" she whispers and I smile,

"I think it's a great idea" I smile and open Disney plus,

I can agree that I wouldn't have guessed she would choose this movie or a movie of its nature but I'm glad it's this rather than something else

I loved how into the movie Danielle got, she was watching it very intently and hadn't even touched her phone since she sat down, definitely not like any teenager I've seen, but I like this version Better

When the movie ended it looked like she was half asleep,

"Can we watch another one?" She ask me and I smile

"What's next?" I ask

"Cruella?" She smiles and I nod,

"This is one of our favorites" I tell her. JJ and I have seen this a million times

"Do you want a drink or something to eat?" I ask her and she shakes her head, already focused  on the movie playing

I got up to get a glass of water and also seen JJ said she would be later than she thought and would pick up dinner on her way home

I carried my drink out to the couch and sat in the same spot I was in earlier, when I sat down Danielle took her attention away from the tv and looked at me, it looked like she wanted to say something, she had the same look on her face that Lily had when we first started to foster her

"Come here hun" I say and she moves closer to me, that seemed to make her happy because she turned back to the tv again

Halfway through this movie Danielle had fallen asleep so I decided on getting some things around the house done. I laid her down on the couch so she would be more comfortable before going to make some coffee, I feel deprived of my caffeine

Once that was done I changed the sheets and bedding on our bed and started some laundry, I had put my air pods in to listen to music as I moved around the house and didn't even realize how much time had passed before Danielle was tapping me on the shoulder, scared the hell out of me -

"Yes? Are you okay?" I ask and she nods

"Can I get a glass of a water?" She ask me and I nod

"Yea of course, you never have to ask for something to drink or eat. Help yourself" I tell her and she just slowly turns around and walks away,

I think I'm getting to know the girl that Lea knows, I'm just glad she warmed up to me, hopefully she stays like this with JJ too

There is more I want to know about Danielle though I want to know why she is scared of men, I want to know it all so that I can help in the best way possible

I walked back out to the living room and Danielle was sitting on the couch while on her phone just as the front door opened,

I could see her whole body tense and she immediately looked to me

"It's just JJ, she brought pizza for dinner" I explain to Danielle she just still looks at me hesitantly

"Hi baby, hI Danielle, how was your day?" JJ ask after setting the pizza on the table, she walked over to me and I put my hand on the small of her back and she leaned into it

"It was good, went out for lunch and watched some movies" I say when Danielle didn't respond.

"Sounds a lot better than my day" JJ chuckles and the three of us sit around the table

"Lots of paperwork?" I ask and she nods

"Yes. And I had to go through like 10 different cases sent to me and had to pick one to help with, that's the worst part of the job" she sighs and I place my hand on her thigh

I looked over at Danielle and she was just busy on her phone while nibbling on the pizza

"Danielle. No phone at the table please" I say and she glares at me, I didn't want to upset her like earlier but I also was not backing down on this, JJ and I made that rule for ourselves years ago and it's a house rule now

"I'm not even bothering you" Danielle snaps and I sigh, of course now her attitude is out, all evening she was super sweet and now we're back to square one

"I don't care. I'm asking you politely. Just while we're at the table it needs to be put away" I say and she sighs and rolls her eyes

She didn't talk to JJ or I the rest of dinner but we had our own conversations

Once we were done Danielle went to her room while we cleaned up from dinner

"We should talk" JJ says and I nod, i had a feeling I knew what this was about and it's not good

"Yea... we should"

Till next time ❤️

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