Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

Today has been a really long day, a really long week at that.

It's 3 am and we are just boarding the jet from Denver, and, when we get back home we have to be back in the office at 9 am

We have got very little sleep the past few days and we're about to be getting even less

JJ fell asleep on the jet, she usually does after cases but I can never, I just don't feel comfortable, I can never get comfortable on the jet enough to sleep

So instead, I sit with my coffee and my book and just try to rest a little

We got back home a little after 6 and didn't even bother showering, the both of us just climbed into bed and fell asleep almost immediately


We're now back at the office, barely staying awake, I know I am hoping the coffee kicks in soon because if not, there is no way I'm going to be able to spend this entire day at my desk without falling asleep

Around 12 Hotch called us all up into the conference room, he wanted to talk about something to do with budgets

Usually, people in his position wouldn't even talk to us but Hotch has always included us in everything when it comes to the team, he's never kept us in the dark and is always truthful

And if I'm being truthful, this entire meeting sucks, why would we have the most boring meeting ever when we barely have gotten any sleep

While Hotch was talking my phone started to vibrate, I checked it and panicked slightly when I seen it was Lea,

I quickly and quietly left the conference room to answer the call


"Hey... Emily it's Lea,"

"Is lily okay? Is she hurt?"

"Lily is fine, I promise. I just seen her yesterday and she is okay. I was actually calling because I need a favor"

"Okay... okay, what's up?"

"I have a 14 year old, she's very special to me and I'm running out of options when it comes to her, she has her set of problems, I'm not going to lie to you but I really believe she will strive with you and Jennifer. I think you guys would really be good role models"

"Lea.... JJ does not want to foster any more, she's pretty adamant about that"

"I know, I know, and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. This is very unprofessional of me and I am aware of that but, this girl deserves more than than what the service has given her."

"You said problems... what problems"

"Her past placements tell me that she had been aggressive, attitude problems, and they say that she doesn't open up.... Which, I know, does not sound ideal but I have never seen that side of her. She's scared. But I trust you and Jennifer and I think you would be really good for her"

"Okay.... how long would this be?"

"Just until I can find something suitable. Hopefully just a week. Right now my only option is back to juvie and I can't do that to her"

"Okay.... I can meet you at the house at 4, we're at work now"

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Yea yea... we'll just have to see if I can get JJ on board, I'll see you later"

I got off the phone with Lea and sighed, JJ is going to kill me, she's actually going to murder me

I know she's going to be pissed and I'm going to have to find some way to make it up to her but, how was I supposed to let a 14 year old go to Juvie when we can help her

We have the potential here to help this girl and that was my goal when we first discussed fostering and I want to make it happen

I looked into the conference room and JJ was smiling while talking to Penelope, well here goes nothing

"Hey... who was on the phone?" JJ ask when I walk in, I walked over to her and kissed her head before sitting down next to her,

"It was Lea" I say and her face drops

"Is it lily? Is she okay?" JJ ask me

"She's fine, it wasn't about lily" I assure her and she nods

"Okay okay, thanks good. Then what did she want?" JJ ask me and I sigh

"She wanted us to take in a 14 year old," I explain and she nods

"You told her no right?" She ask me and I don't respond and she groans

"Emily! This is not a decision you can make on your own" she yells but in a whisper, the meeting was over and everyone was starting to file out

"I know... i know and I'm sorry, Lea called us personally about her. She needs us" I try explaining and JJ waves me off

"There are plenty of other foster families Emily" she says before walking out with Penelope,

I knew she would be mad, I anticipated that, but, I have a feeling she will come around

I talked to Hotch and he's letting me leave early so I can get the place set up a little

We have only had a few older placements so most of our things were catered towards younger kids

I stopped by the store and picked up some toiletry items since the bathroom had been cleared out when lily left

When I got home I put all of the stuff away and made the bed up since that too had a comforter with Barbie's on it, I guess even if she is a teenager she might like Barbie's?

Better safe than sorry I suppose

I made sure everything was cleaned out and I also put some different snacks in a basket on the desk along with some coloring books and pens

Once I knew everything was stocked up I went to change the bedsheets on JJ and I's bed, since we didn't shower before we laid down I wanted to make sure the sheets were clean for later

Before long JJ got home and didn't say a word to me and just walked back the hall to our room,

I could tell she didn't want to talk but I ignored that and followed her anyway

The shower was on so I just let myself into the bathroom

"Emily not now" I heard her say and I just sat on the counter

"I know you're mad, but can you at least not be mad when she gets here? She doesn't need to feel like she is unwelcome" I say softly and I heard her groan

"I know Emily, I'm not a monster. I can be mad at you in private." She says and I laugh

"I set the bedroom up and the bathroom, and I figured we could order in for dinner" I say

"Okay... when is she going to be here? And what's her name" JJ ask

"At four and I uh actually don't know"  I sigh and she does the same

"Okay.. I need some time to myself now" she says and I nod. Not that she could see me

"Okay.... I love you"

Till next time ❤️

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