Chapter 32

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It's been two months and we have been getting together with Tristen and Shannon all the time and the girls have a great bond, we have all come to an agreement that we don't want Danielle taking on a motherly role because that is too much responsibility to throw on a child. Instead, they are more like sisters. They play together all the time and watch movies but when it comes to making food or diaper changes that falls on me, Emily or Alanna's foster parents

Every time they leave Danielle gets upset and wants us to foster Alanna as well, Emily and I have talked about it and we're not totally against the idea:

However we only have a two bedroom apartment. Meaning that Alanna would have to sleep in the same room as Danielle and while I'm sure that neither of them would mind, it's more appropriate for them to have their own rooms given the age difference.

Danielle loves being with Alanna but at the end of the day Alanna goes home and Danielle gets time to decompress. If they lived in the same room there would be no decompressing

Although, after two months of Danielle's begging we finally gave in and are having Alanna over for the weekend,

Lea and Alanna's social worker both okayed the overnights and Danielle has been excited all week

Shannon is dropping Alanna off at 4:30 which is just an hour out now, Emily has been cleaning for the past hour making sure there wasn't anything that Alanna could find and try to eat and end up choking on,

I think she's just a little worried about Danielle because we have had two year old placements before and she's never panic cleaned

"Em, the house is clean, it's been clean, you need to calm down" I say and wrap my arms around her waist and she nods

"I know, but I'm worried about Danielle" she says and I nod

"I know, but she'll be fine," I assure her and she smiles and kisses me softly

"I love you" she says and I kiss her again

"I love you too" I tell her and she smiles and turns around to finish putting the last dish away

"Danielle!" She calls out and Danielle shows up in the kitchen wearing her one piece pajama set, it's her favorite and she looks adorable in it

"What?" She ask

"Is your room clean? Alanna will put anything in her mouth" Emily says and Danielle nods

"Yes mom, it is" she smiles until her face drops and she runs back to her room

"I'll go talk to her" Emily says and I put my hand on her arm

"No, let me go" I say and she nods and I walk back to Danielle's room

"Danielle... can I come in?" I ask after I knock

"No! Go away" she says

"Dani I'm coming in" I say and slowly open the door, I could hear that she was crying and she was curled up under the covers on her bed

"Hey... why are you so upset?" I ask and sit on her bed and rub her back

"It was an accident" she sniffles and I nod, not that she was actually looking at me

"And it's okay, I promise you Emily's is not upset, she loves you, she cares a lot for you, you calling her that is never going to upset her" I say softly and she uncovers her head and looks at me

"But what about when she wants to get rid of me?" She ask and I sigh and wipe her tears with the pad of my thumb

"Sweet girl, we have been over this, we know you don't want to be adopted and that's okay, that doesn't mean we're ever going to just stop fostering you" I say and she doesn't say anything

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