Chapter 23

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It's been two weeks since we seen Lily and in that time I feel like Danielle and I have gotten a little closer

Still nothing like she is with Emily but she doesn't shut down every time I enter the room so I'll take it,

Speaking of the three of us. We're currently at work now. I'm leaving with the team in half an hour

"I'm going to miss you" Emily tells me and I smile, her and Danielle were sitting on the couch in my office while I sat behind my desk

"I'll miss you too, but we have been doing this for years" I tell her and she nods

"I know... I have just gotten used to us being together all the time" she says and I smile

"I know what you mean"I tell her and she stands up and walks over to me, Danielle's eyes didn't leave Emily the entire time though, she has been attached to Emily for the past two weeks, barely letting her out of her sight

I know we have been a little worried about that. She went from completely ignoring us to not being able to be in a different room from Emily.

She tends to act younger than 14 too, I would honestly say less than 10 with her attachment to Emily, it's not something you see a 14 year old doing often

"I should start heading to the jet" I tell her and she nods and kisses me

"I love you" she tells me and I stand up and kiss her again

"I love you too" I tell her and Danielle comes over to us and stands next to Emily

"You'll be back?" Danielle ask me and I smile

"Yes... by the end of the week" I say and she nods

"Okay... I'll call when we land, I love you"

Emily's POV

JJ just left and Danielle and I left to head home, Lea is coming by today to do a check in with us both

Which I hope I can ask and get some answers on why she is almost afraid to leave my side, I don't mind her wanting to be close or anything I'm just worried something more is going on then she is telling us

"Lea is going to be here soon.... Why don't you go relax a little" I suggest to Danielle when we get home,

"Um... okay" she sighs and walks back to her room, I wasn't anticipating her staying back there long but she was awake even before JJ and I this morning and I know another side of her comes out when she sees Lea

While she was in her room I started on lunch, going simple with just grilled cheese

As expected Danielle came out of her room 5 minutes later, however she had a book and blanket and sat on the couch

"Almost done with lunch" I tell her and she nods and comes to sit at the table just as I finish

I put her sandwich's in front of her and sat down across from her, she was kind of just staring at her plate

"Everything okay?" I ask her and she nods

"I'm not hungry" she whispers and I sigh

"Danielle you didn't eat breakfast either" I say and she shrugs

"Okay...." I say and she gets up and goes to her room again

I have no idea what's going on with her, I ate my lunch and put hers away for later just as Lea arrived to the house

I let her in and we sat in the living room together

"How is everything?" She Ask me and Danielle comes out of her room

"You're here!" She exclaims and goes to lea

"Hey sweet girl" she smiles

"Am I leaving?" She ask and lea shakes her head

"No. Why what's wrong?" She ask and Danielle shrugs

"I was just wondering" she says

"I need to speak with Emily that okay? I will come spend time with you one on one before I go" Lea suggest and Danielle frowns but nods and goes to her room

"Anyhow... everything is good, she's opening up more with me and JJ, however I'm a little concerned that something else may be going on. She has a very hard time leaving my side, she prefers to be next to me at all times. Which of course I don't mind but I feel like somethings wrong" I explain and lea nods

"I think you have noticed her attachment with me?" She says and I nod

"Right, when I became her social worker she was 13, almost immediately she became attached to me the way she is. I do think she has some separation anxiety with the maternal figures in her life. " she explains to me

"If I'm being completely honest, her being attached to you like this is surprising. I knew eventually it would happen but she must really like you" Lea says

"However, to address your concern I don't think there is anything we need to be worried about, I think this is just that she is trusting you and is worried about losing you" she says and I don't reply, I didn't even think of any of this, my mind just went to the worse case scenario

Before I could say anything else I heard Danielle's door open and she appeared in the hallway a second later

"Come on" I smile to her and she comes over and sits right next to me on the couch while Lea sat across from us

"What do you think Dani?" Lea ask her and shrugs

"I like it here.... But I'm scared" she admits and I frown, why would she be scared?

"Scared of what?" Lea ask and Danielle sighs

"I'm scared that they are going to send me away.... That they're going to get tired of me and I'll have to leave... and then it'll be the same thing all over again!" She explains to us and I wrap my arms around her

"JJ and I are not ever going to send you away. No matter what. You're stuck with us now" I say and she smiles slightly

"But you don't know that.... And what if...what if you get mad that I want to be with you... I'm scared you're going to leave me alone, I don't want to be alone again" she tells us while her breathing started to pick up

"Hey.. sweet girl  look at me." I say softly and she shakes her head

"Danielle" I say and she looks at me a little

"I will never get mad at you for wanting to be near me. I love that you trust me enough to be with me. At first you didn't even want to be in the same room as us and now look. You have made so much progress" I say and she shrugs and wipes the tears from her eyes

"But.. but still! And .. and the little girl, what if she comes back and then you guys will send me away because she is younger and not as messed up!" She says and breaks free of my hold and runs to her room,

"Let her go" Lea tells me just as I was about to get up, I completely forgot she was there

"I can't just let her go, she's upset" I say and lea nods

"Which is exactly why you need to let her go, give her some space, I promise she will be okay" Lea says and I sigh and just sit on the couch,

"You're great with her... and I'm so thankful that you opened your home. She may be 14 but she didn't really have a childhood, she grew up long before she should have. When she gets to the point where she feels safe with someone, which I have only seen happen with me but now with you too, don't be surprised if she regresses a little, there is still a child whiteout a childhood in her." Lea tells me and I nod, I should have guessed that's what has been going on, my job is to literally analyze the behavior of those around me yet I couldn't do that with Danielle,

"You have done an amazing job with every placement you have had, don't start second guessing yourself now"

Till next time❤️

We're about to get into craziness. Emily and JJ will find something out about Danielle they never would have guessed.

Any thoughts on what it is?

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