Chapter 9

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Well, todays the day. The day we have to watch our baby leave.

I'm definitely not ready, neither is Emily or Lily, we just ate breakfast, or attempted to get lily to eat breakfast but she refused, all she wanted to do was cuddle with me and Emily so we let her

Lea and Mary will be here at 11:30 and it's just before 9,

Last night before bed we got lily's things together so we could make sure she had everything she wanted to take with her,

Last night was really bad, the team came over and lily had a great time but as soon as they left she broke down in tears about not being able to see them again, she did eventually cry herself to sleep and once I knew she was out, I did the same thing

Now, the three of us are sitting together on the couch while we wait

"Mommy?" Lily ask and Emily looks at her

"Yea baby?" She ask

"Hi" Lily giggles and hides her face in my chest while Emily laughs

"Hi" Emily smiles back and lily gets out of my lap and sits with Emily

"I'm going to get some coffee, do you girls want anything?" I ask them

"Juice please momma" Lily says and I nod

"Em?" I ask and she just shakes her head

"I'm good love" she says and I nod,

I made my coffee and got lily's juice, once I had them I grabbed cups and went back out to my girls

I gave lily her cup and sat down next to them

"Thank you" she says

Once she was done she put her drink down and positioned herself to lay across the both of us

I'm going to miss this, the mornings we all spend together. I'm going to miss it all

Lea and Mary should be here in the next 10 minutes and Lily is just realizing that, she hasn't let go of me or Emily all morning, not that we're complaining

"Momma I don't want to leave" Lily whispers to me and I sigh

"I know, and I don't want you to leave either" I say

"Then why I have to?" She ask us, no matter how many times we have been over it, she's really just too young to understand

"Because Mary wants you to stay with her, and since she is the one who had you... she gets more say" I tell her and she whines in my lap

"I don't like her" she tells me and I just hold her closer to me

When the doorbell rang Emily got up from next to us to go answer the door

"They're here baby" I say softly and lily just hides her face into my chest and doesn't say anything

I got up from my spot with lily still clinging to me and walked out to the dining room where everyone was at

"Hi lily" Mary says and lily doesn't move or even attempt to look at her

Mary frowned and Kind of rolled her eyes about it

"Lily, can you say hi to Mary?" Lea ask and lily shakes her head

"I don't want to go with her, I want to stay with mommy and momma" Lily says, still without moving from her spot on my chest and Emily moves to stand next to me,

Lea just looked to me and Emily for help since she knew the only way she could get lily to leave was to carry her out

"We'll be right back" I tell Mary and Lea and Lea nods while me and Emily take lily to her room

"I know you don't want to go, I don't want you to either, but... unfortunately they will make you... mommy and I will give you lots and lots of cuddles before you go okay?" I say softly and lily nods

"Is everything you want to take packed up?" I ask, and she nods

"Okay....let's take these out then" Emily says and I nod and she takes lily's bags while I follow behind her

"Lily, it's time to go....can you say goodbye to momma and Mommy?" Lea ask, I could tell Mary wanted to say something about the titles but held back

Both Emily and I crouched down and I sat lily on her feet, she immediately ran into Emily's arms and held her close for a few moments before stepping away and we both took one of lily's hands

"Lily, do you remember when we watched Sully and Boo?" I ask and she nods and smiles,

"Yea.... But Boo had to leave Sully and that was sad" she tells me and I nod

"It is very sad... do you remember what I said about it?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Just because Boo has to leave, doesn't mean Sully is going to stop loving her right?" I ask and she nods

"Yea... Sully always loves Boo" she tells me and I smile

"That's right, and me and mommy, will always love you. No matter where you are" I say and kiss her head and Emily does the same before we stand up and Emily picks her up

"She's probably going to need a nap, she doesn't take them everyday but if she's playing a lot or just is a hard day she will... she usually does that at 1 and we don't let her sleep more than an hour" I tell Mary

"She'll be fine, she's too old to be taking naps" Mary says and Emily puts her hand on the small of my back

"She's starting school soon and they still take naps. She's not too old. But by all means if you want her upset all evening go for it" I say and Emily gently caresses my back just under my shirt to calm me down

"She's my daughter, I know what I'm doing" she says and there is so much I wanted to say at that moment but held back

"I put her schedule in her bag, it will help you to keep her on that" I say and before she could respond Lea spoke up

"She is right about that, lily's just a baby, the schedule will help the both of you" Lea says and I nod

"Okay fine whatever" Mary says and I sigh and turn to lily

"Alright baby... you have to go with Mary now" I say, trying to do it as easy as possible so it wouldn't upset lily even more

"But I don't want to" she says and I sigh

"We know... but you're going to have lots of fun" Emily says and lily frowns

"Okay" she says softly and hugs us both before walking over to them

Mary tried to pick her up but Lily harshly hit her hands away

"Don't touch me!" Lily yells and Mary stands up shocked and lily holds onto Leas hand

I think it shocked Emily and I too because we definitely were not expecting Lily to say that

Lea gave us a sad smile and walked out of the apartment with lily and Mary

"You okay?" Emily ask and holds me from behind

"No; no I'm not" I sigh and lean back into her

"Come on" she says and leads me to our room and we both get into our bed and I get as close to her as I could

It's odd knowing lily is not in the next room playing, or that she is not going to come and jump into bed with us

I didn't know it would hurt this bad

Till next time ❤️

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