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A few weeks ago I received an invitation to attend a reunion at my old school, Nevermore Academy. At first I wasn't sure about going so my friends tried to convince me.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun!" Brianna said enthusiastically when we all met up. She was always the life and soul of a party and hasn't changed. Brianna was my roommate in Athena Hall, she was always bubbly and energetic (sometimes it was exhausting!). She has long wavy blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and wears brightly-coloured clothes. She was told off several times for customising her blazer with various accessories like badges and patches. She's ditzy as hell but really talented at controlling her telekinesis, one time she shaped the water in the fountain into a butterfly and even made it flap its wings!

"Let me check my calendar for a full moon" Jamie said, finding the lunar calendar app on his phone. Jamie is a werewolf and it took him a long time to harness his power so he was extra vigilant about it now. All of the girls loved him at school, he has that 'tall, dark and broody' thing going for him but he always kept to himself. He has shoulder length messy brown hair, dark facial hair and dark brown eyes that are almost black. He's been with Brianna for a few years now, opposites attract I guess.

"It certainly would be nice to see Nevermore again" Cassie said. Cassie was the quiet one who always had her head in a book and her hand up in classes. She's a petite little thing with a mousey brown bob, hazel eyes and thick glasses. She has the ability to turn invisible and used to sneak into the library at night to study, no wonder she got such good grades!

"I wonder if Daphne will be there?" Max said dreamily. Max was always besotted with the popular pretty girl at school, Daphne Leigh. She's a Siren and would often take advantage of her power to charm the boys (and girls) into doing whatever we wanted. I don't think it ever wore off Max though. He's a shapeshifter but his true form is a little unusual. He's very tall and lanky with spiky ginger hair so bright it looks like fire.

"God I hope she's not, she probably thinks she's too cool for it anyway" I said, I never liked her.
"Are you too cool for it too?" Brianna said sarcastically.
"No...I'm just not sure-"
I was dubious because our group was often picked on at school, we were the outcasts among outcasts.
"You know who will be there..." Max said.
"Who?" I replied, still unconvinced.
"Your absolute favourite teacher...Ms. Weems! Sorry 'Principal Weems' I should say now".
Ms. Weems was indeed my favourite teacher, I had a huge crush on her throughout my time at Nevermore. She taught English literature and ran the extra curricular music classes when we attended, now she was the Principal of Nevermore.
I must admit this did sway my decision, thinking of her brought back a rush of feelings I often had in her presence.
"Hmm interesting...I wonder if she's still hot?" I thought out loud.
"Only one way to find out!" Max said, still trying to coax me.
"Oh alright then...I'll go!" I said giving in.
"Yay!" Brianna squealed, "this calls for a shopping trip ladies!"
"I need a new suit, I-I ripped the last one wolfing out" Jamie said, poor guy was embarrassed.
"Shopping trip!" Max said loudly, imitating Brianna who scowled at him.

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