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Larissa and I agreed to have separate bachelorette parties, she was going to a fancy French restaurant with some of her best friends and colleagues then out for drinks. Me and the group were doing the same but at a Chinese restaurant at the other end of the town, Brianna was very insistent that we didn't run into each other.
"It's bad luck!" she kept saying.
"No it's not, that's the morning of the wedding" I told her.
"Well...I can't imagine it's good luck".

Larissa, as usual, took a very long time getting ready for her party. A few hours before I was due to meet the others I took a shower but when I emerged I couldn't find my phone, so I went into the bedroom to look for it.
"Riss, have you seen my-?"
Larissa was standing in front of the full length mirror admiring her chosen outfit, a long emerald green velvet dress with an embroidered pattern that went down to her ankles. It showed off her shoulders and legs beautifully, I was lost for words.

 It showed off her shoulders and legs beautifully, I was lost for words

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"Have I seen what dear?" she asked innocently.
"N-nevermind. My god you look...amazing!"
Her cheeks flushed pink as she giggled, "thank you darling".
Her hair was out in loose curls that cascaded past her shoulders. Her make-up was perfect as usual and I could smell her perfume in the air, the most expensive one that she only wore on special occasions. I couldn't take my eyes off her.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready to meet everyone?" she asked after a few minutes of me standing there with my mouth open.
"Hmm? Oh yeah" but as I turned to leave I felt that familiar magnetic pull back to her, "Larissa?"
"You look absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to marry you".

A few hours later me and the group arrived at the restaurant, dressed to impress! Larissa convinced me to wear a dress so I chose my deep red party dress. I put on a little more make-up than usual and I left my hair out in waves.

 I put on a little more make-up than usual and I left my hair out in waves

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"Who the hell are you?!" Max said when he first saw me.
"My god Nomi you look gorgeous!" Brianna said, with a lot of surprise.
"Thanks! Had to look nice for my last night of freedom!"
"Don't let Larissa hear you say that!" Jamie said jokingly.

We were shown to our table and spent the evening chatting, drinking, eating and laughing. Everything was going so well until I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and a voice in my ear that I hadn't heard for a very long time.
"Hello stranger" the familiar voice purred and sent a shiver down my spine...
I looked up to see my ex-girlfriend looming over me.
"Zara" I said in surprise and stood up to greet her, "long time no see".
Zara and I were together for two and half years before she dumped me for her co-worker who she'd known less than a fortnight. I was so besotted with her but she broke my heart. The group never took to her because of how she treated me, like I was her lapdog. But I was so in love that I was too blind to her manipulative ways. She was a normie, tall and slim with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. She was still stunning and hadn't aged a day.
She hugged me but I didn't exactly reciprocate it.
"How have you been my little maestro?" she gushed and I shuddered at the once endearing nickname.
"I'm good thanks, really good. In fact it's my bachelorette party tonight" I said smugly.
"You're getting married?! That's...wonderful news. Who's the lucky lady?" she asked, trying to conceal her jealousy.
"Her name's Larissa...Larissa Weems" I said proudly.
"Wait...Weems? Your old teacher that you had a crush on?!" she exclaimed.
"Yes, we've been together nearly three years now and we're getting married next week".
"But...isn't she like fifty?" she said quietly, leaning in.
"No she's not actually, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me" I said firmly.
"Well as long as you're happy I suppose..." she mumbled as she rolled her eyes.
"Don't do that" I said, my patience wearing thin.
"Do what?"
"Judge me".
"I'm not! I'm glad you're happy, really I am. I'm just sorry it's not with me" she said sorrowfully.
"How's Helen?" I asked after an awkward pause.
She hesitated, "we...broke up after six months".
I scoffed, "so she was worth it then?"
Zara didn't answer, she just looked away.
"Look, I'm sorry for running off with her and the pain I caused you but let's face it we would never have worked out. I'm honestly glad you've found someone. You deserve to be happy".
Her words, for once, felt genuine and heartfelt. I paused for a few seconds taking it all in. The only closure I ever needed from her was an apology and she gave it to me on a night when I least expected it.
"Thanks. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you but you're right, we wouldn't have worked out" I said.
Another silence lingered in the air and I could see the regret on her face. She forced a smile and said "goodbye my maestro" then went back to her friends. I would be lying if I said that she didn't pull on my heartstrings at that moment, but Larissa was my life now not Zara.

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