Friends like these

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I woke up the next morning on my couch still wearing yesterday's clothes with a blanket over me. My head was pounding and through my bleary vision I spotted a glass next to two empty bottles of wine. I knew Jamie didn't drink wine so I must have two full bottles to myself, shit. Folded up in my hand was a note:

'Morning sleepy head. You're going to be OK. Just go easy on the wine next time! Will call you later. J x'

I smiled to myself, he was a good friend for putting up with me. I scrambled around for my phone to check it, I had a few emails but no messages or missed calls from Larissa. Not even an email. I lay there for a while thinking of the good memories I had of her, but that only made me more sad so I dragged myself up and had a shower.

An hour later there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Brianna and Cassie with some shopping bags.
"Rise and shine! Oh sorry Jamie said you'd be hungover" Brianna said turning her loud greeting into a whisper.
"We heard about what happened. I'm so sorry Nomi" Cassie said sympathetically.
"Jamie also said your cupboards were bare so we brought supplies!" Brianna said, trying to cheer me up.
"Thank you guys, you didn't have to do that. Come in".
They headed straight to the kitchen to unpack. I spotted various items like pasta, ice cream, cereal and, of course, more wine. I also spotted croissants and my heart ached a little as I thought back to the breakfast in bed that Larissa made for us both.
"What's wrong?" Cassie asked, noticing my faraway look.
"Nothing" and without probing further she just hugged me. I felt another pair of arms around me as Brianna made it a group hug.
I told them a little more about the situation with Larissa and how I felt.
"Have you ever thought that she may not be fully 'out' yet?" Cassie said.
That thought had never crossed my mind until now. I'd assumed everyone knew about her sexuality because she always seemed confident in herself. Enid had also told me about the rumour that she had a thing with Wednesday's mother, Morticia, when they were roommates at Nevermore.
"Yeah it can take some people a long time to figure things out or even just to say it out loud" Brianna said.
"It could be, she said it's the age difference that bothers her the most but I'm not convinced. I shouldn't have walked away, I should have stayed and listened to her side, but I was too scared of being hurt again" I said, my voice wobbling.
"No no no don't blame yourself" Brianna said going in for another hug.
"When is the Rave'N?" Cassie asked.
"This Saturday" I replied through tears.
"Are you still going?"
"I'm not sure yet".
"You should, don't leave things like this, you need closure. Dance with her if she lets you and, if it's not meant to be, just create a nice lasting memory for yourselves".
Part of me thought that would be too painful but another part of me knew she was right.
"And you can show her just what she's missing!" Brianna said cheekily.
"I'll think about it" I said.

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