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I met up with Brianna and Cassie a couple of days later. I told them about the misunderstanding with Larissa and our upcoming date.
"Oh my god you FINALLY get your dream date with Weems!" Brianna said, clapping excitedly.
"It certainly is an unexpected turn of events..." Cassie said warily, "are you sure about this?"
"Of course she's sure!" Brianna jumped in, "you remember how besotted she was with Weems back in the day!"
"Exactly! I just don't want you to get your heart broken Nomi" she said, I understood her concern.
"I appreciate you looking out for me Cass, but I know what I'm doing. I won't let her play with my feelings, I've been there before and I won't let it happen again" I said.
She gave an approving nod and smiled, "well...good".
I hadn't had the best luck with love, my exes treated me badly but the group were always there to pick me up when I was down.

Brianna broke the silence, "come on then tell us what you've got planned!"
I told them I was picking Larissa up from her house on Saturday night and taking her to my favourite restaurant just outside of town, La Bella Rosa. Then we would go for a moonlight walk along the promenade.
"Aww that sounds so romantic!" Brianna swooned.
"You should get her flowers!" Cassie said, now just as excited as Brianna.
"Good idea! What kind?"
"Roses of course. Although tulips are pretty too..." Cassie trailed off, thinking deeply.
"What are you wearing?" Brianna probed, clearly this was the most important part for her.
"Um...I haven't decided yet".
"What?! Right, we're going shopping! Come on!" She grabbed her bag and coat and beckoned us to the door.

We spent a few hours shopping and I treated myself to a new leather jacket with feathers embroidered on one of the sleeves. Cassie helped me pick out a lovely bunch of white and red roses too, "they're her signature colours, she'll love them" she said. 

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