Lady in Red (NSFW)

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One year later...

"Larissa! Come on! We've gotta go!" I shouted up the stairs.
"Hold on! I can't find my clutch bag!" she shouted back.
I sighed and flopped into the armchair, knowing she would be a while. We were on our way to Jamie and Brianna's engagement party, he proposed at Christmas and they had set a date for next year. Obviously Brianna already had her dress picked out along with the suits and bridesmaid dresses. Me, Cassie and Brianna's sister Daisy were going to be bridesmaids and Max was Jamie's best man.

A whole year has passed since Larissa declared her love for me at the Rave'N and we are still together. I moved into her cottage with her and she gave me a permanent job as the music teacher at Nevermore. We've been on holiday together, met each other's families and have become regulars at La Bella Rosa. We're still very much in love and tell each other every day. I couldn't be happier!

Max and Cassie are also still together as are Wednesday and Enid. I met Morticia Addams at Parents Weekend, afterwards I asked Larissa if the rumours about them being "more than roommates" were true. She just smirked but the glint in her eye told me everything.

"Found it!" she said, out of breath from her frantic search.
"Finally!" I said standing up.
She was wearing a long red cocktail dress with a split up the leg and her hair out in loose curls.
"You look absolutely gorgeous" I said, drinking her in.
"So do you dear" I was wearing a black puff dress with a square neckline.
"God that split is killing me" I said as my eyes wandered to her slender leg peeking out from her dress.
"Hmm you'll have to control yourself until later darling" she purred and kissed my cheek. But as she did I managed to steal a touch of her naked thigh. She hit my arm playfully with her clutch bag.
"I'm sorry! You're just so-" I exhaled trying to find the words.
She giggled, "we're going to be late".
I tutted, "fine" I said rolling my eyes.

The party was at Jamie and Brianna's house outside of town.
"HII!!" Brianna greeted us as she answered the door. She looked happier than I'd ever seen her before. She hugged me then Larissa and invited us inside.
"You both look incredible! Ms. Weems, where did you get this dress?!"
Larissa laughed, "I've told you before Brianna, call me Larissa".
"Oh right! Sorry! Force of habit!"
She led us through to the back room which opened up onto their massive garden. The weather was glorious so most of the guests were outside enjoying the drinks and the barbecue.
"Hey you two!" Jamie said. He came over and kissed me on the cheek then did the same with Larissa. He got us a drink each and we mingled.

Larissa was welcomed into the group with open arms once we had gotten through our rough patch. Cassie was very wary and protective at first but she softened eventually. We were always holding hands and never far away from each other. I often found myself staring up at her with heart eyes as she talked to people, especially about something she was passionate about.

A while later I went upstairs to the bathroom. When I opened the door to leave Larissa was standing there, leaning on the doorframe. She pushed me back into the bathroom and clicked the lock.
"I thought I'd steal a few moments with you" she said, draping her arms on my shoulders. I placed my hands on her hips and we kissed passionately.
Several minutes later I said "as much as I don't want to leave we should probably go back downstairs. Brie will kill me if I miss her speech".
"You're right. But you might want to-" she pointed to her lips and I saw my face in the mirror once again smudged with her lipstick. I laughed and wiped it off.

As we went to leave I tried to unlock the door but it didn't budge, "oh no" I said desperately turning the lock and handle.
"What is it?" Larissa said.
"It's stuck! We're locked in!" I said, my claustrophobia kicking in.
"Here let me try..." she tried the same things I did but with no success.
"I'll call them" I said, getting my phone out but she snatched it off me.
"Or...we could occupy ourselves for a while longer".
I raised an eyebrow, "I like the sound of that". She knew just how to distract me.

I gently pushed her against the sink. As we kissed my hand trailed up and down her exposed thigh, which she was now giving me full permission to touch. I got down on my knees and peppered kisses all the way up her leg. I stood back up and slipped my hand under her dress to  play with her pussy, lightly going in circles on her clit. She whimpered but I wanted to tease her more, she'd been teasing me with this sexy dress after all.
I pulled on the waistband of her thong and whispered, "you want me to take this off?"
She nodded, biting her lip.
"I need to hear you say it, Larissa" I purred in her ear.
"Please...take it off".
"That's better" and I slid it down her legs as slowly as possible.
She pulled my glove off my right hand and put it between her legs, my icy fingers making contact with her core. She let out a sharp gasp at my touch but the ice soon melted from her heat.
"God you're so hot and wet for me" I said as I played with her.
"I want you inside me" she begged.
"Hmm...say that again".
"I want you, I need you inside of me" and that was all I had to hear. I felt for her opening and slid two fingers inside, a moan falling from her lips. She held onto my neck, her nails almost piercing my skin. I moved my fingers in and out of her slowly, curling them slightly to hit the spot that drove her wild.
"Oh fuck-" she cried into my shoulder, her body shaking.
I increased the pace and her legs twitched, barely holding her up. I then felt her fingers crawl under my dress, my core was aching for her touch and she knew it. She rubbed my clit through my lace panties and my breathing staggered.
"I'm so close!" she tried to say quietly. I pulled my fingers out immediately and she buckled, holding onto the sink.
"No no no, I want to taste your cum" I ducked under her dress and licked her wet folds before lightly sucking on her clit. I continued what she had started with me and played with myself until we both came for each other. I let her ride out her high on my tongue, her sweet taste running over my lips.
When I got to my feet she pulled me in for a kiss, tasting her essence on me.
"God I love you Larissa".
"I love you too".

We gathered ourselves together and I called Brianna to tell her we were locked in.
"Oh no I am sooo sorry! Jamie, we need to get this door fixed!" she said when they came to let us out.
"I know! I know! It's on my list" Jamie said dismissively.
Luckily no one questioned why we were both locked in there. Thank god.

Later on, Jamie and Brianna made a speech and a toast. They looked so happy together as did Max and Cassie. It was heartwarming to see us all living our 'happily ever afters'.
"Do you think that will be us one day?" I said.
"What do you mean?" Larissa said, puzzled.
"Getting engaged," I said confidently.
She looked stunned and blinked, "is that a proposal?"
"Not quite, I'd put a lot more effort in if it was".
She smiled at me lovingly, "I'm looking forward to that day".

Larissa's outfit:

Larissa's outfit:

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Naomi's outfit:

Naomi's outfit:

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