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The following week I drove to Nevermore for my first lesson with my new student. I was actually really nervous about it, I'd never taught anyone besides myself before.
"What if they don't like me? Or don't listen to me?" I thought. I also dressed more casually this time so they didn't feel intimidated by me; I wore my blue denim jacket, a white top and black leggings with a pair of Converse.
For some reason I was anxious about seeing Larissa too. I was probably putting too much pressure on myself, but I didn't want to let her down.

I saw her waiting for me at the entrance again. I stepped out and she walked over with an eager pace, the gravel path crunching beneath her feet.
"Good afternoon Naomi" she said merrily.
"Hi Larissa. How are you?"
"I'm very well thank you. Are you all set for your first lesson?"
"Um...yes but I have to admit I'm quite nervous".
She put a hand on my arm, "you'll be fine darling. I just know you'll be a great teacher. You learnt from the best after all!"
We laughed, it was nice to see her so chipper today. Her touch was reassuring but still gave me a jolt of excitement.

She told me more about my student as we walked to the music room.
"Her name is Wednesday Addams. She's...a unique character but has a natural talent for music. In fact she's the owner of the cello you spotted" Larissa said with a hint of admiration.
"Great, she shouldn't have a problem with the violin then" I said, I liked this kid already.
"I think you two will get on".

As we approached the door I could hear the muffled sounds of a cello being played. When we entered we saw a young girl sitting in the corner of the room deeply engrossed in her music. She had jet black hair in two braided pigtails, pale skin and large dark brown eyes. She certainly was unique but also a little morbid looking, even her blazer was black and grey as opposed to the standard black and blue. I was fascinated watching her play with such passion and accuracy.
"Wednesday?" Larissa called to her but she didn't stop playing. She went to call again but I stopped her, "let her finish". I could tell this was an outlet for Wednesday and I knew how that felt.
When she did stop her eyes flicked over to us in the doorway. Her lack of expression combined with her appearance was a little unnerving.
"Wow, you're really good!" I said in awe.
"Thank you. My father taught me" she said, her voice was just as emotionless as her face. She stood up and came over to us with no urgency or enthusiasm.
"Wednesday, this is Naomi Winters. She's the Nevermore alumni I told you about. She's an excellent musician and will be teaching you violin" Larissa said, making no attempt to hide her admiration for me.
"Good to meet you, Wednesday" and I held out a gloved hand to her.
She just looked at it and said "what's with the gloves?"
"Wednesday!" Larissa scolded her. But I didn't blame her for asking, it was mid-June and sunny outside after all.
"It's ok" I reassured Larissa and turned back to Wednesday, "I'm an ice elemental".
She raised an eyebrow, I seemed to pique her interest.
"Let me show you..." I put my violin down, took off my gloves and rubbed my fingers on my palm. As a chunk of ice began to form I shaped it into a raven in flight, using my nails to chisel in some detail. Her eyes widened and she let out a tiny gasp, I gave the small glass-like statue to her.
"Don't worry, it's a special kind of ice so it won't melt" I said as she took it. I looked up at Larissa who smiled and nodded, impressed.

Thankfully the lesson itself went really well. I seemed to earn Wednesday's respect after my token gift and she picked up the basics of violin quite quickly. She didn't talk a lot but I liked her. Larissa sat in on the lesson and a few times I caught her watching us like a proud mother seeing her children getting along.

"See! You were excellent!" Larissa said when Wednesday left for her next class.
"I think I'm just lucky I got a good student," I said modestly.
"Wednesday can be trying at times, believe me, but you won her over very quickly".
I sniggered, "the ice sculpture trick works every time".
There was a pause while I packed away and put my jacket and gloves back on.
"She reminds me of you you know," she said reflectively.
"Really? How?"
"She's mature, fiercely individual and naturally gifted. Very much how I remember you".
"I'm flattered Ms. Weems" part of me still liked calling her that so I didn't bother to correct myself anymore.
She stepped closer to me and said in a low tone, "so do I get a sculpture too? Not that you need to impress me darling".
"Well...what would you like?" I said, reciprocating her flirting.
"Surprise me" she whispered.
I took my gloves off with my teeth and created the head of a large rose.
"Oh how beautiful!" she said as I handed it to her.
"Just like you" I thought.

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