The night's still young (NSFW)

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I stepped inside Larissa's home again and she locked the door. She turned on a couple of lamps in the living room to make it even more cosy then removed her bolero.
"Would you like a drink?" she asked, heading into the kitchen.
"Just water please", I would have liked alcohol for courage but I didn't know if I would be driving home later (I hoped I wouldn't be!). She came back with two half-filled wine glasses, with ice and a slice of lemon in each. Classy.
"Cheers" she said, clinking my glass. Her eyes stayed on me as we took our first sip. My nerves were showing because the glass started to frost as I held it, I was worried it might shatter and cut me (it wouldn't be the first time). Larissa spotted my panic and distracted me by playing with the fingers on my other hand then bringing them to her lips. For the first time ever I saw the snowflakes melt away and my fingers felt heat for a few brief seconds.

We sat down on the couch together, she kicked her shoes off and tucked her legs under. My mouth suddenly became very dry so I took a large gulp of water.
"No need to be nervous dear" she said softly.
"Sorry it's just-"
"Shhh you don't need to explain" she took my glass and put it on the table by hers, "close your eyes".
I did as she said and felt her smooth hand stroke my face, her fingers ran down my neck and onto my chest. My heart pumped faster as she stimulated my remaining senses. She kissed along my jawline to my ear then nibbled on my earlobe.
I twitched and giggled, "Larissa! That tickles!"
"See, you're more relaxed already" she said, I liked this playful side of her.

Our smiles started to fade the longer we stared. My eyes flickered to her ruby red lips, slightly parted, waiting for mine. Her hand was still on my chest so I put mine on top of hers.
"Naomi...I don't want to take things slow" she said in a low voice.
"What do you mean?"
"I...I want us to go upstairs and make love. I can't fight this any longer, I need you now" her breathing became a little staggered. Her intense need excited me, obviously I felt the same.
I hesitated deciding what to do, a flurry of thoughts whirled around my head. But how could I refuse those words?
Our lips met in a passionate kiss, we completely gave in to our burning desires as our tongues played in each other's mouths. She pulled my jacket off and pushed me down onto the cushions. As she lay on top of me my hands danced over her body; her back, her waist, her hips, her thighs, her ass. She slid her hand under my blouse and squeezed my breast, her firm grip keeping me in place.
When we came up for air she smiled down at me lovingly and I couldn't help but smile too, we closed our eyes as our foreheads touched.
"I can't believe this is happening" I said through heavy breaths.
"Me neither" she whispered and we continued to kiss, but tenderly this time. I ran my fingers through her thick ice white hair.
After several minutes she got up and held her hand out to me, "come with me".
I sat up and kissed her hand. Although I was very excited about where this was going, the gentlewoman in me had to ask..."are you absolutely sure Larissa?"
"I am, my love".
So I followed her up the stairs.

When we got to her bedroom we slowed the pace and took our time, savouring every moment. Various items of clothing fell silently to the floor as we undressed each other; my blouse, her dress, my leggings, her tights, until only underwear was left. We fell onto the bed and continued to taste each other's lips and near-naked flesh.
When I was on top of her she traced my lips with her fingers and whispered, "show me what else this mouth can do". Her wish was my command. I kissed my way down her torso then along her thighs as she opened her legs for me invitingly. I stroked the front of her white lace thong and she hummed with pleasure. I was wary of doing this at first but she didn't even flinch at my icy touch, if anything, she enjoyed it.
"Take them off" she ordered, her dominant side showing. I slid them down and parted her legs a little more. She was already glistening with arousal and my mouth started to water.
"I've waited so long for this Larissa" I uttered, putting her legs on my shoulders.
"I'm all yours now darling" she breathed.
The moment my mouth made contact with her core she gasped loudly and raised her hips, allowing me to slide my hands underneath to caress her ass cheeks. She moaned louder as I let my tongue taste every bit of her, her pleasure growing with every manoeuvre.
I started with gentle licks and flicks, but instead of going deeper (like she probably expected me to) I went lighter. Much lighter. I gave her just enough so she could still feel me but her body and mind would have to reach out to really feel me. Her loud moans became soft whimpers as she enjoyed the sensuality.
"" she breathed.
She rotated her hips as the tip of my tongue lightly circled her clit, "keep going Naomi".
She held on for as long as she could but eventually I started to feel her muscles tensing up. I paused for a few seconds, her body quaking in anticipation...then went all in. Her upper half bolted up from the bed as I increased the pressure and speed dramatically, sucking her clit and plunging my tongue deep inside her. She held on to my hair as I continued to devour her and I squeezed her cheeks tighter.
"I-I'm c-close!" she whined. I stopped immediately and crawled back up to her face.
"Not yet, baby. The night's still young".

Eventually all of our remaining underwear came off and we did make love. All night. In every position we knew. We made each other come so many times that I lost count. The whole time I didn't think about anything else but her, it was like we were the only two people left in the world. Time and reality fell away and the only thing that mattered to me was this amazing beautiful woman in my arms. We fell asleep wrapped up in each other and I felt so content with her. It was the most incredible experience of my life. She was worth the wait.

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