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"What happened to asking her out?! Getting to know her first?!" Cassie said, demanding an answer after I spilled the details on what happened between me and Larissa.
"I was planning to but clearly...she had other ideas" I explained, Brianna nearly choked on her drink.
Cassie believed in more traditional romance and being wooed by someone before anything intimate. I did too but I'd wanted this to happen for so long that I just gave in to it. Not for the sexual gratification but for my deep passion for Larissa.
Brianna showed Cassie the selfie I'd sent. Her eyes widened, "oh my word...".
"So have you seen her since?" Brianna asked, still laughing at Cassie's innocent reaction.
"No. That's the thing. I haven't even heard from her all week".
I was starting to get worried. Had I declared my feelings too soon? Did I take advantage? Was she embarrassed? Was it just the wine talking?! So many questions were running through my head.
"Hmm...have you contacted her?" Cassie said suspiciously.
"Yeah I sent her a text the next day..." and I showed them the message I sent:

'Hi Larissa. Yesterday was amazing. Thank you for showing me your music room, it's gorgeous. Like you. I hope we can do it again sometime. N x'

"That's sweet!" Brianna said.
"Just be careful Nomi. We don't want to see you get hurt, especially by someone you've been mad about for so many years" Cassie warned.
My mind flashed back to memories of Brianna and Cassie comforting me when I was a lovestruck teenager. At that time I was confused but I knew I couldn't have her, now I could have her but I was still confused.
"Thanks. I'm teaching Wednesday tomorrow so hopefully I'll see her then".


The next day I drove to the academy but Larissa wasn't waiting for me at the entrance.
"Oh no, this isn't good" I thought.
I kept an eye out for her on my way to the music room but she was nowhere to be seen. I could hear Wednesday practising when I got to the door. I knocked before entering.
"Hi Wednesday. Oh hello..."
I spotted a young girl with shoulder length multi-coloured blonde hair and baby blue eyes next to Wednesday. She was leaning on a table resting her chin on her hand looking up at Wednesday with big heart eyes. She straightened up as soon as I entered the room, like she'd been caught doing something bad.
"Hello Naomi. This is Enid, my roommate".
"Hi!" Enid's demeanour changed immediately once she knew who I was and she waved at me with a beaming smile. She was the total opposite of Wednesday; bubbly, colourful and cheerful. She reminded me of Brianna.
"Where is Principal Weems?" Wednesday asked, looking behind me.
"I don't know, but I'm sure she won't mind if we start without her. You're more than welcome to stay Enid" I said, avoiding any further questions.
"Can I?!" she looked to Wednesday for approval.
She rolled her eyes and mumbled "if you must".
"Great, grab a seat or even a violin if you want to join in," I said.
"I'd love to but these may be a problem" she showed me her multi-coloured fingernails that quickly extended into long pointed claws.
"Ah...you're a werewolf?"
She looked surprised that I knew this straight away and that I wasn't scared, "I won't wolf out or anything I promise!" she said frantically.
"It's ok, one of my best friends is a werewolf too. He had difficulties controlling it at first but I'd trust him with my life" I reassured her. She looked relieved.
I turned back to Wednesday and began our lesson.

Just over an hour later the school bell rang for the next lessons. I said my goodbyes to the girls and watched them leave, I laughed to myself as Enid skipped down the corridor next to Wednesday's determined walk. It was like watching me and Brianna when we were students here.
While I was packing away my phone rang. It was Larissa calling me, I answered right away.
"Hi Larissa".
"Hello Naomi. Have you left the school yet?"
"No, I'm still in the music room".
"Good. Could you come to my office when you can please?"
"Sure, is everything ok?"
She paused.
"I'll explain when you get here. See you soon." She hung up.
Her formal tone filled me with dread and I was reluctant to go, but I needed answers from her. I quickly finished packing away and headed to her office.

I knocked on her door and she called me in. She was leaning on the fireplace, staring into the fire, lost in her own thoughts.
"Hi" I said warily as I shut the door behind me.
She turned her head and gave me a sad smile, "hello darling".
"Ok she's calling me 'darling' so that's a good sign" I thought.
I put my violin case on the chair and walked over to her, "what's wrong?"
"I-" she choked.
"Is this about what happened last week?"
She nodded and a single tear rolled down her cheek.
"Look I'm so sorry if I overshared and made you feel uncomfortable. I really didn't mean to" I said quickly.
She looked at me in disbelief, "what?"
"When I mentioned my crush on you? I thought that's why you were avoiding me?" I was just as confused by her reaction and she was with mine.
"No, not at all! I-" she held back more tears, "I felt like I'd overstepped my mark and taken advantage of you. I felt embarrassed so I hid away...but I had to see you again".
I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"Larissa, you're not my teacher anymore. There's nothing to worry about" I said.
"But I know how strongly you feel about me so I don't want you to think I'm just using you. The truth is...I really like you too".
My heart lifted at her words, "you do?"
"Yes. At first it was just lust, you looked so gorgeous at the party that night. I was desperate to see you again. But after getting to know you more, hearing you play and seeing you with Wednesday..." she trailed off into her own thoughts, "...I realised I like you."
I was so overcome with emotion that I was frozen on the spot, I wanted to cry endless tears of joy. I'd imagined this scenario in my head hundreds of times before but the reality was so much better. I took her hands in mine.
"Larissa...would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked.
She looked down at our hands entwined and smiled, "I'd love to".
My heart lifted once again.
"We can take things as slow as you want" I said, she nodded.
I wiped the tear from her cheek and she rested her head in my hand. I pulled her in for another long kiss, standing on my tiptoes to reach her lips.

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