Date night

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When Saturday finally came I spent most of the day getting ready. I changed my outfit several times before settling on black heels, shiny black leggings, a dressy white blouse and my new leather jacket. I used the curling tongs on my hair to give it a slight wave and painted my face with eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. I gave myself a few sprays of my favourite perfume too. I felt confident in how I looked, but inside my stomach was in knots.

I still couldn't quite believe this whole situation was happening. I kept expecting to wake up and realise it was all a dream.
Larissa was more than just a schoolgirl crush to me, she was the first woman I was ever attracted to. The moment I saw her on my first day she awoke something in me that changed my life. I'd never felt an attraction to someone like I did with her. My teenage brain was so confused by what was happening, but by the time I was eighteen I realised who I was and what I was and accepted myself.
My friends helped me through that difficult time. Brianna would lie next to me in bed when she could hear me crying, Cassie gave the best advice that I still go by today, Max cheered me up with a joke or a silly game, Jamie would simply listen to me for hours and hours.
I dug out my old yearbook and flicked through the pages. I saw my picture and thought to myself "if only you knew what was to come, kid" .

It was finally time to go. I picked up the flowers from the florist then drove to Larissa's place. As Principal she lived on site in a cottage situated in the grounds. It was like a smaller version of Nevermore itself with similar architecture and dark-coloured brick. But the potted plants, small bushes and hanging baskets around the front of the house made it much more vibrant. Her own personal touch.
"Flowers were a good idea then. Thanks Cass!"
I straightened myself up and knocked on the door, quickly hiding the flowers behind my back. A few seconds later Larissa answered and she beamed when she saw me, "hello my darling".
She looked absolutely stunning. She wore a long fitted silver dress that accentuated her curves and long legs, with a cream bolero draped over her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled like her diamond earrings and her hair, to my shock, was loose. I'd never seen her hair down before, no one had. It was actually quite long and fell past her shoulders, it looked so soft and shiny like pure silk.
"Hi. Wow you look amazing" I said, taking in this dazzling sight before me.
She blushed and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, "thank you sweetheart".
"I feel a bit underdressed now" I joked.
"Don't be silly! You look gorgeous".
I took the roses out from behind my back and presented them to her, "these are for you".
"Aww how thoughtful of you!" She smelled them as she took them from me, "come inside while I put these in some water".
She stepped aside to let me in. I stood awkwardly in the living room while she went into the kitchen. It was a small cosy room with a fireplace, couch, bookshelves and framed photos. After a few minutes she came back with the roses in a glass vase and put it in the centre of the coffee table.
"Thank you Naomi, they're lovely," she gushed.
"You're welcome. I had to get your signature colours" I said, stealing Cassie's line.

We drove to the restaurant as the sun was setting, the sky had started to turn from a reddish orange to purple as the evening crept in.
"So where are we going?" she asked.
"La Bella Rosa, just outside of town. Have you ever been?"
"No but I've heard wonderful things about it! How exciting!"
I sniggered, she was so adorable.
There was a pause and I saw her looking out of the window with child-like curiosity. She probably didn't get out of town much these days now she was Principal. We used to see her in Jericho at the clothes stores or having coffee at Weathervane. But she was always on her own, I often wondered if she just preferred her own company or if she was lonely.
"I'll make sure she's not lonely anymore" I promised myself.
"Your hair looks nice by the way. I never realised it was so long" I said.
"Well I wanted to make a special effort for you" she said and reached across to touch my knee. I felt a tingling sensation between my legs.
"Eyes on the road Nomi".

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