Performance of a lifetime

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I arranged to visit Weems at Nevermore on the following Tuesday evening. I practised a lot beforehand, to the point where my fingers were sore. I wanted her to see the mature young woman I'd become and the musician she'd helped to mould. I planned my outfit carefully, I channelled my inner Lydia Tár with a black pantsuit and white shirt.

I kept thinking about how she looked at me that night, there was chemistry there I just knew it! My mind kept wandering into fantasies of her having her wicked way with me around the back of the hall...but I snapped myself out of it.
"You're just going to play for her" I kept telling myself as I drove up to the academy. The sun was setting and my adrenaline was pumping like I was about to perform on a stage in front of thousands of people.
I parked my car, took a deep breath and picked up my violin case from the passenger seat. It was a tough choice between bringing that or my guitar but Weems seemed like the classical music kind.

As I approached the entrance I saw Weems waiting for me on the steps. Even seeing her from a distance made me jittery.
"Hello again Naomi" she greeted me.
"Good evening Ms. Weems" I replied.
"Oh darling, no need to be so formal now. Call me Larissa please" she insisted.
"Ok then...Larissa" it's a lovely name but it felt very strange to call her by it.
"Shall we?" and she gestured towards the huge wooden doors that led into the academy.

Nevermore hadn't changed much on the inside either, more portraits and murals had been added but the dark gothic interior remained the same. It was part of its charm and felt nostalgic to me. Larissa was a stark contrast to these walls with her almost-white hair, pale complexion and light coloured clothes. She always looked so radiant...and still did.
We carried on talking as she led the way to the music room.
"I see you've expanded your talents to other instruments" she said, spotting the violin.
"Yeah I've been teaching myself how to play guitar too".
"Wow, you really are a woman of many talents aren't you?" she said in admiration. I felt myself turning red again.

"Ah, here we are" she said when we reached the room. The door was already unlocked but there was no one inside. To my surprise, this room looked completely different now. The dark red walls I was used to were now cream and the decor echoed the renaissance era. It was a reflection of Larissa herself, regal yet chic. This room was clearly her pride and joy. There were lots of instruments around the room but my favourite ebony grand piano still stood in the centre beneath a crystal chandelier.
"Wow! This place looks amazing!" I said in awe, taking everything in.
"Yes I'm quite pleased with it", she also sounded pleased with herself.
"Hello old friend" I said as I touched the lid of the piano. I heard her chuckle behind me.
"This is new" I said, wandering over towards a large black cello in the corner.
"Oh don't touch that, the owner is very...protective" she said elusively.

After some more small talk I asked, "so, piano or violin first then?"
"Hmm...I'm intrigued to see you play the violin," she said. She pulled up a chair and sat down with her legs crossed, I got a little distracted when I saw them out of my peripheral vision.
I took off my gloves, removed my violin from its case and plucked a few strings to make sure it was in tune. I didn't want anything to go wrong, this was the most important performance of my life!
I began to play a steady rendition of 'Swan Lake' and tried to focus on the notes as best as I could, not minding the gorgeous woman sitting in front of me. When I did meet her gaze, she was mesmerised. I was getting a kick out of her watching me perform and I unconsciously started playing a little faster.
"Don't get carried away" I said in my head, I closed my eyes as I brought the piece to an end. Larissa stood up and applauded.
"That was fantastic Naomi!"
"Thank you Ms...sorry, Larissa" I corrected myself. She giggled.
"Now why don't you show me how your piano skills have progressed?" she said eagerly.
"Sure", I put my violin back in its case and sat down at the piano. She moved her chair around to the side for a better angle. I could already feel my hands shaking and more snowflakes appeared on my fingertips.
"It's ok dear, just relax" she said soothingly and put her hand on top of mine, my nerves melted away.
I started to play one of my favourite pieces 'Canon in D' and quickly got lost in the music. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her sitting back in the chair with her eyes closed, smiling, like the melody was taking her to some blissful place.

I played the final note and her eyes fluttered open.
"That was the first thing you taught me how to play" I said fondly.
"I remember" she said slightly dazed, "you always had difficulty with the middle section but now you've mastered it".
"I was determined to learn it so that I could play it again for you someday".
"Oh Naomi how sweet of you" she was touched. It was true though, all that time spent practising this bloody piece led to this moment...and it was all worth it.

"I'd like to play something for you that I've put together myself. No one else has heard it yet" I said, my nerves building up again.
"Really? I'd be honoured dear" and she pulled her chair closer to the piano.
I took another deep breath and played. It was a serenade piece I had composed myself a few days ago, I couldn't sleep thinking about her so I poured my heart into my piano. A soft romantic melody came out as my fingers idly drifted over the keys. It was something I didn't think I had in me.
When I finished I took a moment before I turned to her. She looked captivated and had her hand on her chest.
"Naomi...that was beautiful" she said, "you composed that yourself?"
"I did, it's not perfect yet but-"
"What is it called?" she asked.
"Porcelain Beauty" I thought of the name on the spot.
There was a pause as she blinked at me, her lips parted slightly then turned into an affectionate smile.
"Is it for someone special?" she said.
"Yes. Someone very special".
Our eyes stayed on each other, probably for longer than they should have. We'd always had a connection but this I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I had to resist.

Larissa and I spent the rest of the time talking and taking it in turns to play. In a role reversal, I taught her a few basics on the violin. Before I knew it it was 10:30pm!
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to keep you this late" I said packing up.
"Not to worry, it's been wonderful to see you again and to listen to you play" she said sincerely.
"I've enjoyed it too...and seeing you again" I wasn't doing a good job at being subtle.
"Let's keep in touch. You have my number now."
"Ok, I'd like that" I felt a bit giddy as I put my jacket and gloves back on.

She walked me back to my car. It was dark outside now but the courtyard was illuminated by the bright moonlight.
"Thank you for inviting me back Larissa. It was an honour to play for you again" I said.
"You're welcome back any time. I'm so proud of you Naomi. You were always special to me".
She walked towards me and stroked the side of my face. The contact took me by surprise, her hands were so warm and smooth. We shared another moment of gazing into each other's eyes before she leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"Good night my dear" she said.
"G-good night" I sputtered out. She smirked then walked off into the academy. I was frozen on the spot, even if I never saw her again I could die happy.

A/N: This is what I think 'Porcelain Beauty' would sound like (Yiruma's 'Kiss The Rain', beautiful song!)

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