The reunion

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Tonight was the night! The Nevermore Reunion! The guys looked sharp in their new suits, Jamie wore navy blue and Max wore a white tuxedo. The girls looked stunning in their cocktail dresses too, Cassie went for classic black and Brianna wore a pink sparkly number.

The academy hadn't changed a bit, which was oddly comforting. As we parked up I was immediately thrown back to coming here with my parents when I was fourteen, I was so nervous about this new life and thought no one would like me. Ten years later I'm here again as an adult but I was looking forward to what was to come.

We spotted a few familiar faces on the way in and stopped to say hello. There were a few people I wasn't looking forward to seeing, people like Daphne who often teased us. But I was older and wiser now and I wasn't going to let anyone spoil our night.

The doors of the dance hall were framed with a tall white archway decorated with white roses and a tunnel filled with fairy lights led the way inside. We walked in and the whole place was decorated with white streamers, more white roses and a big disco ball. Above the DJ there was a huge banner that read 'Welcome back class of 2018!'.
"Oh my god! I love it!" Brianna shouted over the music, she grabbed Jamie's arm and yanked him to the dancefloor.
"Wow! This is even better than the Rave'N!" Max said in awe.
"Let's find a table" I suggested.
"Good idea" Cassie said, looking a little nervous. I put my arm around her to put her at ease.
We found a table so Max got us some drinks and we toasted.
"Here's to being back at Nevermore!"
It was strange to be drinking alcohol here, the previous Principal had an eagle eye for spotting people spiking the punch or smuggling drinks into the Rave'N. Max got caught every time.

Eventually Jamie and Brianna joined our table, Jamie was worn out from dancing so Max got him a large drink.
"Having fun?" I joked with Jamie. He rolled his eyes and downed his drink in one gulp.
"I'm surprised there's so many people here" he said, looking around at the large crowd.
"We should probably mingle shouldn't we?" Cassie said, trying to overcome her shyness.
"Come dance with me!" Brianna said, standing up with her hand out. Where the hell does she get her energy from?!
"Um...OK" she said reluctantly.
"You coming too Naomi?" Brianna asked but as I stood up I noticed someone walking in looking as statuesque and elegant as ever...Ms. Weems.
Time seemed to stop when I saw her. She was looking around at everyone with a beaming smile, giving the occasional polite wave. She was wearing a long-sleeved silver dress that hugged every part of her curvaceous figure, with heels that highlighted her long toned legs. Her platinum blonde hair was in its signature 1950s style updo and her porcelain skin was still flawless. Her blue eyes twinkled in the disco lights and her luscious lips were coated in cherry red lipstick. She looked truly beautiful.
"Helloooo?!" Brianna called, waving her hand in front of my face. Her and the others followed my eyeline.
"Wow! Weems has barely aged a day!" Max said surprised.
"You should go talk to her" Cassie whispered to me.
"What?" I said coming back down to reality, "no she probably doesn't even remember me".
And as if she'd heard me, Weems looked over in our direction and smiled. She made eye contact with me for a good five seconds then gave a little wave, I managed to wave back but I was still in a trance.
"Oh I think she remembers you!" Jamie chuckled.
"Come and strut your stuff for her!" and before I had a chance to respond Brianna pulled me to the dancefloor with her and Cassie.

We danced for ages enjoying the music. I kept looking around for Weems but I couldn't see her through the crowd. Later we went back to the table and noticed Jamie was sitting by himself.
"Where's Max?" I asked. He pointed over to the makeshift bar where Max was chatting up none other than Daphne Leigh. You could tell he was flirting and showing off to her but she looked really bored.
"He's like a dog in heat around that one!" Jamie said, I laughed in agreement.
Brianna and Cassie joined us, Cassie was really in the party mood now! It was good to see her let her hair down.
"Look! She's on her own! Go over and say hello!" Brianna said pointing behind me. Weems had just finished talking to a fellow teacher and was observing the room. I was really nervous about approaching her so I grabbed Jamie's drink from his hand, swigged what remained in one go and stood up to straighten my jacket.
"Do I look OK?" I asked.
"You look amazing now go!" Brianna said, shooing me away.
My nerves began to build with every step I took. I felt like a lovestruck teenager again. As I got closer she turned to me and smiled.
"Hello Ms. Winters, how nice to see you again!" she said cheerfully.
"You remember me?" I blurted out.
"Of course I do! How could I forget my star pupil?" my cheeks flushed red and I let out a nervous laugh, I was no Cassie but I was interested in music so I chose her piano classes for my extra curricular activity.
"I-It's great to see you again too. Congratulations on the big promotion!"
"Thank you dear" she said graciously, "how are you and your friends these days? I see Miss Ellis hasn't lost her energy".
"They're good. Brianna and Jamie have been together for three years now. Cassie is a professor and Max is...well...Max" I said.
She laughed and waved to them behind me, I didn't dare turn to look because I knew they would be watching everything.
"And what about you?" she asked softly, I got lost in her eyes for a second then answered.
"Me? I-I'm a professional musician" I said.
She gasped with delight, "oh how wonderful!".
"I have you to thank for it actually. I loved learning the piano and you were a great teacher" I said, it was true because piano was the first instrument I learnt to play and it was still my favourite.
"I always knew you had something special Naomi".
My heart skipped a few beats when she said that.
Our eye contact lingered for a few moments, I was in awe of her timeless beauty and (call me crazy) but I think she liked what she saw in me too. Whatever it was.
"I'd love to hear you play sometime" she said, like she was asking me out.
"Really? I-I would love to play for you" I said, trying to contain myself.
"Well we still have the music room here, why don't you come back next week and put on a little show for me?" she suggested with a hint of flirtation.
"Sure I'd love that!"
It was the least I could do to thank her, plus it was an excuse to see her again. She asked for my phone and gave me her number to arrange a time and date with her.

We chatted a bit more and I wanted to stay and talk to her all night but I didn't want to overstay my welcome.
"It's been great catching up with you Ms. Weems. I'll leave you to enjoy your night" I said bidding farewell.
"You too Naomi, it's so lovely to see you again. Especially all grown up" she said and stroked my arm. I felt her warm touch through my sleeve and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
"I'll see you next week" but as I turned to walk away I felt a magnetic pull back to her.
"You look beautiful tonight by the way" I said quietly and she blushed, it was adorable. I winked at her and walked away.

"Did you just swap numbers with Weems?!" Brianna said in a high pitched voice.
"Yep. She's asked me to come back and play for her next week" I said smugly.
"Like a date?!" she said in an even higher pitch.
"Calm down Brie" Jamie said, "Weems isn't our teacher anymore so they can do what they want".
"I know! I know! I just don't know if I'm freaked out or impressed" she admitted.
Max suddenly reappeared at the table.
"I think I'm in love" he said still looking over at Daphne, who was now dancing with another guy. I looked over at Weems and thought to myself "me too".

We had a great night catching up with old friends and teachers. Brianna had us on the dancefloor at every opportunity! I caught Weems looking over at me a few times and couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. Was she just proud of her star pupil? Or did she actually feel a similar desire that I felt for her?

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