Lesson learnt (NSFW)

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A few weeks, and a few more dates, later I was on my way to the academy again for another lesson with Wednesday. Larissa greeted me enthusiastically at the entrance every time, but she would never kiss or hug me like she would when we'd meet up for a date. I understood that she had to be professional but now we were getting closer it was becoming awkward. Our dates were always away from Jericho too, it was like she didn't want us to be seen together there and I have to admit it was starting to really bother me.

Larissa was often too busy to sit in on Wednesday's lessons now, but Enid came along regularly. Wednesday was learning the violin quickly and was able to play five songs in full now. I was so proud of her like she was my own daughter! We'd built a good relationship too and I felt like I was friends with both her and Enid.
"I've got an idea" I said in this week's lesson, "why don't we play something together...but with you on the cello".
Wednesday gave her biggest smile to date and Enid let out a tiny squeal of joy, like a miracle had just happened.

Wednesday sat at the cello raring to go, "do you know this?" She started to play a rendition of 'Paint It Black' by the Rolling Stones, I listened carefully and tried to pick it up as she played. We went through it a few times together and once I got the hang of it it sounded great! After a full run-through of the song with us both playing in harmony, I heard rapturous applause behind me. I turned around to see a large group of students and teachers clapping and cheering us in the doorway, including Larissa beaming with pride.


Larissa took me up to her office after the lesson.
"That was so wonderful Naomi!" she gushed, "you and Wednesday are the perfect pair!"
"I thought that was me and you?" I said cheekily.
"Oh well that goes without saying dear!"
She sat down in one of the chairs facing her desk and gestured to the other one for me to join her.
"There was something I wanted to ask you," she said as I sat.
"What is it?"
"I was wondering...would you like to accompany me to the Rave'N this year?"
This was surreal, Ms. Weems was asking me to the Rave'N ball! Every year I'd dreamed of asking her but obviously I couldn't, so I knew what my answer was already.
"Absolutely!" I said, a little too eagerly.
She giggled and kissed my cheek, "you're so cute".
Just then I had a wicked idea. I glanced over to the door, "hmm is that door locked?"
"I don't think so".
"Go and lock it" I said, smirking at her. She looked surprised and impressed that I was calling the shots.
"I believe I give the orders at this school Ms. Winters".
"Ms. Winters? I haven't heard that for a while."
She tried to hold back another giggle, "do as you're told. Lock the door".
I snickered and bit my lip. I went over to the door and twisted the handle until I heard the lock click, as I turned back around she pinned me against it. My hands were captive just above my head as she stared down at me like I was a delicious meal.
"I think you need a lesson in who's the boss around here" she whispered in my ear then claimed my lips.
Without breaking our kiss she lifted me so my legs were around her waist and I matched her towering height, she carried me over to her desk and sat me on it.
She pushed me back onto the flat surface and crawled up my body, the blazing fire reflected in her eyes.
She teasingly brushed her full lips against my neck then sucked on my skin, harder and harder drawing blood to the surface. It hurt at first but the sensation of her marking me as her own turned me on immensely, it was like a lustful bite from a vampire. She hummed with satisfaction as she felt me twitching beneath her and pinned my hands to the desk to hold me down.
She gave my fresh lovebite a gentle peck before she came back to my face. She caressed my thigh and her fingers wandered to my clothed core, taking my breath away.
"Do you like me teasing you Ms. Winters?" she purred.
"Yes Ms. Weems" I breathed.
"Good", she unzipped my jeans and slid her hand inside my underwear. My body jolted as she ran her fingers over my lips, not the ones on my mouth.
"Hmm you like that don't you?" she cooed. I just about managed to nod my head. I yearned for those long fingers inside me again but she loved the control and just stroked my wet core. She was teasing the fuck out of me! When I moaned at the pleasure she was giving me she stepped back.
"Your lesson isn't over yet darling" she said in a sultry voice.
I sat up panting, bruised, throbbing...and desperately wanting more.
She pulled me off the desk by my jacket and dragged me around to the other side of the desk. She sat down in her chair and crossed her legs over, knowing how easily they would get my attention. I stayed standing...awaiting instruction.
"On your knees" and I obeyed like her servant.
She grinned at my compliance and uncrossed her legs, "be a good little teacher's pet".
"Anything for you Ms. Weems" I said, playing along.
I parted her knees and ran my fingers over her pussy, I moved the front of her lace underwear aside and my finger easily slid inside her. She hummed with pleasure and closed her eyes as her head fell back.
"Am I doing well Ms. Weems?" I asked.
"Mmm yes my darling, give me more" she breathed. I inserted a second digit inside her and sped up the pace.
"Take the underwear off...now" she demanded.
"Are you sure?" I said, going harder and faster on a sweet spot. She looked down at me with a rage in her eyes fuelled by lust. But she didn't scare me.
"I give the orders, remember?" she said sternly.
"Indeed you do Ms. Weems" and with that I yanked her underwear off, pushed her back in the chair and moved her dress up higher so I could bury my face.
She moaned loudly as I ate her out, one of my hands squeezing her breast the other holding onto her hip. I let my tongue roam her pussy as her taste got sweeter and sweeter.
"OH YES NAOMI!!" she shouted.
"Shhh Larissa! Someone might hear us!" I said, panicking slightly. But I did like it when she screamed my name.
"I don't care, I want them to hear how good you make me feel!" and she pushed my head back down so I could carry on pleasing her. Like a good little servant should.
I could feel her walls tightening so I went a little faster, sucking on her clit. I held on to her thighs as she edged closer and closer.
She soaked me in her orgasm and I didn't let a single drop go to waste.

I collapsed onto her lap, both of us gasping for breath. I put my hand on her chest and her heart was racing even faster than mine. I could have laid there forever as she stroked my hair. I lazily lifted my head and gazed into her dreamy eyes as she smiled at me lovingly.
Suddenly my neck began to sting terribly as the pain from my lovebite set in. I winced and rubbed the sore spot.
"Sorry about that" Larissa said slightly embarrassed, "I got carried away".
"It's OK, our way of sealing the deal" I said with a wink.

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