You've got this

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After a day of sightseeing with Larissa I met with the hotel's chef again. He handed me a small hamper filled with all manner of foods; sandwiches, cakes, pastries, fresh fruit, pink lemonade, you name it! While Larissa was indulging in yet another bubble bath I packed a blanket and filled up the picnic basket with the treats from the hotel and a few other goodies from home, including Larissa's guilty pleasure...salt and vinegar crisps.
"I have a surprise for you" I told Larissa when she emerged from the bathroom, "tonight we're having a picnic under the stars".
I stood aside revealing the wicker picnic basket and red and white gingham blanket.
"We are?! Oh how lovely!" she could barely contain her excitement and quickly rummaged through her case looking for something suitable to wear.

I went to the bathroom myself and stood in front of the mirror. I took a few deep breaths and stared at my reflection. This was it. I'd practised over and over again what I was going to say to Larissa but now the time was getting closer I felt sick with nerves and doubt.
"What if she says no? Will she break up with me? What if she doesn't like the ring? What if I forget what to say?"
Just then my phone buzzed, I looked at the screen and saw a message from the group chat. I unlocked the screen and saw a group photo of Brianna, Jamie, Cassie and Max all giving me a thumbs up with the caption, "you've got this Nomi!!" That was all the confidence and courage I needed. I straightened myself up, fixed my clothes and smiled.
"You've got this" I thought and exited the bathroom.


Larissa looked so elegant in her simple white midi dress with intricate blue pattern, she looked like a walking piece of precious bone China. She still had her hair pinned up but scaled back on her make-up, opting for a more natural look.

 She still had her hair pinned up but scaled back on her make-up, opting for a more natural look

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"My God" I said when I saw her, "you look so pretty Larissa".
"Thank you, so do you" she replied. I was wearing a white vest with white summer pants and a denim jacket with embroidered roses on the sleeves.

 I was wearing a white vest with white summer pants and a denim jacket with embroidered roses on the sleeves

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"So where are we going for our picnic?" Larissa asked keenly.
"We're having a waterside picnic at the Lake of Love in Minnewater" I said.
"How romantic! Where's my camera..." she looked around for her beloved retro camera. She loved to take photos everywhere she went, especially on holiday. She was a sucker for taking photos of food too, every time we went out for a meal she insisted on capturing the moment before either of us could tuck in. It was one of her many wonderful quirks.

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