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"She kissed you?!" Brianna was shocked when I told her and Cassie about my visit to Nevermore.
"It was only on the cheek".
"It's still a kiss! You would have sold a kidney for that back in school!" She wasn't wrong.
"It's not just that's...I don't know" I tried to explain.
"Don't know about what?" Cassie asked.
"Something's different. It feels like there's a new connection between us. A romantic one" I said.
"Are you sure you're not just overthinking it?" said Cassie, the voice of reason.
"You haven't seen the way she looks at me, there's something more there" I thought back to the other night. Her kind eyes, her hand on my face, her lips on my cheek...
"So are you going to see her again?" Brianna asked.
"Well I've got her number now. But I don't want to seem too keen" I said.
"Look, you've had a crush on Weems ever since you were fourteen. If she's actually interested in you all grown up then you should just go for it! Jamie's right we're not at school anymore so there's no rules" Brianna said, I often confided in my friends so they knew how bad I had it for Weems.
"But maybe you should ask her out first? Get to know her more?" Cassie suggested.

Suddenly my phone buzzed on the table.
"Oh god it's her!" I panicked.
"Answer it then!" Brianna insisted, pushing it towards me. I gulped then answered.
"Hi Larissa" I tried to say casually. I saw Brianna mouth "ooo Larissa " to Cassie who tried not to laugh.
"Hello Naomi, I hope I'm not disturbing you" Larissa said.
"No, not at all".
"Oh good. Listen, I have a proposal for you."
"Sounds intriguing".
"One of our students has enquired about learning the violin but as you know I don't play. So I wondered if you might be interested in teaching her instead?"
"Yes, we would pay you for your time of course. You're a wonderful musician and the first person I thought of!"
"Well how can I refuse that? Ok, I'll do it."
"Excellent! I'll send more details over to you shortly. Thank you so much Naomi".
"No problem, I'm happy to help".
"You're so sweet. I'll see you soon my dear".
"Take care Ms. Weems. I mean Larissa!"
She laughed, "I don't mind what you call me darling" she said flirtatiously and hung up.

"What was that about?" Brianna asked.
"She wants me to teach one of her students the violin," I said.
They looked at one another mischievously then started giggling.
"What?" I said.
"Nothing! It's just the perfect excuse that's all..." Cassie said, sipping her tea.
"Oh come on, it's not like I'm going to pounce on her!"
"I wasn't talking about you..." she said, taking another sip. Brianna could barely contain her laughter. 

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