Wedding Bells (NSFW)

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Naomi's POV:

The day of mine and Larissa's wedding had arrived. I woke up to a bright Spring morning, the sun peeking through the curtains and the birds singing outside. To avoid seeing each other before the ceremony, I stayed at Brianna and Jamie's for the night while Larissa stayed at our house.
I couldn't believe this day was finally here! Especially after all those months of preparation! I lay in bed for a couple more minutes basking in the sunlight with a little smile on my face, knowing that in just a few hours time I would be putting a ring on Larissa's finger.
My serenity was interrupted when someone tapped on the door.
"Rise and shine sleepy head! You're getting married today!" Jamie said cheerfully from the other side.
"Tell her to get her ass out of bed before I drag her out!" I heard a frustrated Brianna say from downstairs.
"You heard the lady" Jamie said.
I laughed, "tell her I'll be down in a minute".
"For your own better be!" he joked.

I had agreed to let Brianna do my hair and make up while Cassie picked up my parents and sister from the nearby hotel they were staying in. My older sister Lisa was a shapeshifter and got along with Larissa really well. My parents were a little shocked and disapproving of mine and Larissa's relationship at first (because of our history and our age gap) but once they saw how in love we were they accepted it. My mum even meets up with Larissa once a month for afternoon tea.

Brianna did an amazing job with my hair, the waves were perfect and it looked so shiny and smooth. My make-up was also painted to perfection, she kept it quite subtle with just the right amount of everything and a natural pink lip.
I greeted my family with hugs when they arrived. Brianna panicked watching us.
"Watch her hair! Watch her make-up!"
I was still in my pyjamas but my mum told me I looked radiant, my dad cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. He was a big softie! Lisa then took me upstairs to help me get into my suit.

Once I was ready Lisa dashed ahead of me, "here comes bride number one!" she shouted to the others. As I descended the stairs I heard gasps and compliments.
"My look absolutely beautiful!" my mum gushed.
My dad didn't even bother to hold back his tears anymore and just said, "that's my girl".

Naomi's suit:

Larissa's POV:

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Larissa's POV:

"Cheers everyone!" I toasted as me and my closest friends and family took a sip of champagne together.
"Don't sulk Wednesday. I need you with a clear head to be able to perform today" I told her as she gave me her death stare over her glass of orange juice.
"May I have some please Principal Weems?" Enid asked politely, giving me puppydog eyes.
"Oh fine, seems as though it's a special day" I said and poured a glass for her.
Wednesday stomped away and sat on an armchair with her arms crossed, scowling.
"She gets that from Gomez" Morticia commented and I scoffed.
"Excuse me, I seem to remember you sulking a lot when you couldn't have your way!"
Morticia's mouth fell open in dramatic shock, "I did no such thing!"
"Please! You didn't speak to me for three days just because I wouldn't let you borrow my red nail polish" I recalled and the others giggled.
She pouted, "well...the store was closed and I had a date".

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