Wine and lipstick

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The following week I travelled up to Nevermore again for another lesson with Wednesday. I had to take a taxi this time because I had a flat tire on my car. I was running a little late but as usual Larissa was there to greet me with her lovely smile.
"You should have told me dear, I would have picked you up" she said when I explained my situation.
"I couldn't ask you to do that," I said politely.
"It's no trouble" she insisted, "but...seems as though you're not driving today, would you like to join me in my office for a drink later?"
"Y-yeah sure I'd love to" I stuttered.
"Then we can catch up properly", the way she emphasised that last word was...interesting.

When we turned the corner to the music room we saw Wednesday sitting on the floor reading a book.
"Hey" I said not-so-casually. I tried so hard to hide my excitement for my little "date" with Larissa later. Wednesday didn't seem to like cheery people.
"Hello Ms. Winters" she said, turning a page.
"Just call me Naomi," I said.
She finally looked up and said "as you wish".

Once again the lesson went smoothly. Wednesday's ability to play cello gives her a big advantage playing the violin. She looks very suited to the instrument and plays with ease. I even got a flicker of a smile when I joked about my icy fingers occasionally getting stuck to the strings.
"You're a natural you know" I praised Wednesday later on.
"Thank you. I've asked my parents for a violin for my next birthday".
"Great! Make sure it's black though" I joked and she grinned ever so slightly.
"Now don't forget to practise and I'll see you next week".
She bid farewell to me and Larissa then left.
"You're a natural with her you know" Larissa said, echoing my words to Wednesday.
"Well it's like you said, she's like me so I kind of get her" I said honestly.
"I was roommates with her mother, Morticia, when we attended Nevermore. She was a fantastic singer, it helped her to forget about her abilities. I think Wednesday feels the same about playing music" Larissa said sympathetically.
"What is her power?" I asked curiously.
"Her and Morticia have visions, but Wednesday's are more...ominous".
"So she can foresee bad things?"
"Yes. Sometimes very bad things."
"Oh" I didn't want to pry any further, "well I'll try to help her if I can. I know what it's like when your power feels like a burden" I said, seeing Wednesday in a whole new light.
"You're so kind Naomi" Larissa said, "now how about that drink?"

I stayed a few paces behind Larissa as she led the way to her office, mainly because I didn't remember the route but also so I could admire her from behind. Her height put her head and shoulders above everyone and she had the figure of a buxom goddess. Her hips swayed as she strutted and the sound of her heels echoed through the halls.
We eventually came to a black and gold door with a plaque that read 'Principal Weems'. As soon as we entered memories came flooding back of being sent here after misbehaving, usually me and Max for something or other. The former Principal, Ms. Houston, was a very intimidating figure so the thought of this room always filled me with dread. The decor was slightly different now though, more cosy and classic, more 'Weems'.

Two armchairs sat facing the huge fireplace that was shaped like the head of a Medusa with its mouth open. The fire was crackling and filled the room with a warm orange glow.
"Take a seat" she said, gesturing to the armchairs. She walked over to a cupboard and took out two glasses, "what would you like?" She listed what she had and I chose white wine. I didn't dare drink red in case clumsy me spilled it all over the carpet.
She brought the glasses over along with the bottle then poured our drinks. She sat in the chair next to me and crossed her legs again, I couldn't resist a quick side-eye glance at them.
We talked for ages, catching up on the past five years and reminiscing about the old days of Nevermore. She seemed interested in everything I had to say and I hung on her every word. She was so easy to talk to, intelligent and very witty. I felt that new connection between us getting stronger by the minute.

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