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"Oh my god I think I'm gonna cry!" Brianna said, fanning herself.
"We're so happy for you Nomi!" Jamie said as he hugged me.
"I can't believe it!" Cassie said, still in shock.
"You're gonna marry Ms. Weems!" Max said, shoving Jamie out of the way so he could hug me too.
I'd just told the group that I was planning on asking Larissa to marry me. We've been together for over two years now and we're so happy. Ever since we got together I've known that she was the one for me and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her and now felt like the right time to ask.
"Relax guys! I haven't even proposed yet!"
"She's gonna say yes I know she is! Oh my god this is so exciting!" Brianna simply couldn't contain herself.
"Are you sure about this Nomi? It's a huge step" Cassie asked.
"I've never been more sure about anything in my life. We love each other and I want to be with her forever" I said and Jamie patted me on the back. Cassie smiled and gave me a nod of approval.
"So come on! Spill! How are you going to do it?" Max asked enthusiastically.
"Well we're going to Bruges in a few weeks and there's this place called Minnewater that has a lake called the Lake of Love. It's like something from a fairytale with flowers, trees and cute little houses. Anyway I was going to take her there for an evening picnic by the water then go for a walk around. There's this bridge that has a story behind it and they say that if you cross it and kiss your loved one there your love will last forever. So I was going to tell her the story, kiss her then get down on one knee".
I'd done my research and planned everything to the latter. It was going to be perfect.
I looked at my friends, they were all hooked and on the verge of happy tears.
"That is the most romantic thing I've ever heard" Cassie said dreamily.
"Do you have a ring yet?" Jamie asked.
"No I was hoping you guys could help me with that-"
I hadn't even finished my sentence before Brianna was scrolling through her phone looking through her many Pinterest boards, "I've got this covered don't you worry!"

After that I was bombarded with questions and ideas for the proposal and the potential wedding. Now that I had revealed my plans to my closest friends, the reality of proposing to Larissa suddenly felt very real.
"Wow...I'm actually going to do this" I thought as the excitement and nerves swelled inside me.

After scrolling through Larissa's Instagram, Pinterest and even rummaging through her jewellery box I was able to get a sense of what sort of style she liked. She had lots of gold plus some silver and white gold pieces but nothing too dazzling, she seemed to like subtle designs with small gems instead of big flashy ones. With the help of the others I eventually found the perfect engagement ring, it was a classic white gold solitaire ring with an oval lab diamond. I even had 'My Porcelain Beauty' engraved on the inside. It cost a fortune but I didn't care, this could be the ring that Larissa wears forever symbolising our love and you couldn't put a price on that.

 It cost a fortune but I didn't care, this could be the ring that Larissa wears forever symbolising our love and you couldn't put a price on that

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Larissa was so busy with work that she left me in charge of booking the hotel and flights for our trip. I booked a superior room at Hotel Van Cleef and sent an email with some special requests. I couldn't wait to see Larissa's face at what else I had in store for her!
The day finally came for us to fly to Bruges and I was wracked with nerves, I blamed it on my fear of flying and luckily Larissa believed me.
"Everything will be fine my love, please don't be scared. I'll be there to hold your hand during takeoff" she said in her natural caring way.
I must have checked my bags at least ten times to make absolutely sure I had the ring with me. I put it securely in my hand luggage just in case my suitcase went missing.

We checked into the hotel and were shown to our room.
"Did you book us into a suite?" Larissa whispered as the concierge led the way.
I nodded with a smug grin on my face.
"Darling it must have cost you a fortune!"
"Well you've been under a lot of stress so I wanted to treat you" I said and she was touched.
The suite was magnificent with gold patterned wallpaper, classic mahogany furniture, a large four-poster bed, a plush couch and a round table with two chairs. It even had a balcony that looked out onto the grounds.
Larissa just stood in the middle of the room taking in as much as she could, I'd never seen her so spellbound. The concierge nudged me and whispered, "everything else is in place Ms. Winters". I mouthed a thank you then he left, leaving me and Larissa alone.
"So you like it?" I asked.
"It's beautiful! Thank you so much my love" she said as she hugged me.
"You haven't seen the best part yet" I took her hand and led her to the bathroom.
She gasped with shock and delight when the door opened and she saw a deep white slipper bathtub with gold feet in the centre of the room just waiting to be used. She immediately started undressing then turned on the taps and poured a significant amount of bubble bath in.
"Wow someone's keen!" I said chuckling.
"Of course I am! But I'm not getting in alone..." she held her hand out for me to join her.
"As much as I would like to, I have a few errands to run".
"What? We're on holiday! Why are you running errands?" she said, confused and slightly annoyed.
"You'll see. Just trust me OK? Besides I know how much you like a bubble bath, you'll be asleep in no time!"
"That happened once!"
"Yes and you nearly drowned!"
She sulked like a child then turned the taps off.
"Fine, go and do whatever it is you have to do" she said grumpily.
"Stop pouting Larissa, you look adorable" and I closed the door.

The hotel had very kindly offered to make us some fresh food for our picnic when I explained the reason for our stay. I headed downstairs and spoke with the chef, we came up with a list of what to include in the hamper. All I had to do was discreetly pick it up from the kitchens the next day.
When I returned to the room Larissa was fast asleep on top of the bed in a fluffy white dressing gown with her hair wrapped up in a towel.
"Well at least it wasn't in the tub this time" I thought.
She heard me pottering around the room and sat up rubbing her eyes.
"Oh you're back, did you get everything done?" she asked sleepily.
"Yep. How was the bubble bath?"
"Mmm amazing, I feel like I'm floating on air" she said snuggling further into the gown.
"Good" and I kissed her cheek with a sneaky glance at her cleavage, "are you wearing any underwear?"
"What do you think?" she teased and untied the rope at the front, "my body is clean but my mind is dirty".
"We'll have to do something about that then Ms. Weems..." I said as I kissed her and she pulled me onto the bed.

A few hours later we lay peacefully in bed together. I watched her dream and took in every single one of her features; her long eyelashes, her slightly parted cherry-red lips, her pulse beating in her neck, the occasional muscle spasm in her face. God she was so beautiful, I still couldn't believe how lucky I was to be with her. I loved her so much.
"Please say yes Larissa" I thought.

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