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The next morning I woke up and found a note on Larissa's pillow written in her exquisite handwriting:

Good morning my love.
I've just popped out to the shops. Be back soon.
Lots of love,
Soon-to-be Larissa Winters xxx

She had drawn a winking face and a heart next to her new name, which made me smile. I got dressed and sat on our balcony reading a book, the sun was shining and the grounds looked gloriously green. About thirty minutes later Larissa returned with a few square shopping bags.
"Hello there Mrs Winters, how was your shopping trip?" I said with a cheeky grin.
She giggled like a little girl.
"Most pleasant thank you" she gave me a peck on the cheek, "I got you a little something".
She rummaged around in the bags, pulled out a small white box and handed it to me.
"Larissa, you shouldn't have" I said sincerely.
"Oh please, after everything you've done for me on this holiday it's the least you deserve" she insisted.
I opened the box and inside was a silver claddagh necklace with my birthstone, a dark blue sapphire.

I opened the box and inside was a silver claddagh necklace with my birthstone, a dark blue sapphire

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"Oh my days" I said, staring at this fine jewellery that I knew had a lot of romantic meaning.
"Do you like it?" Larissa asked, unsure from my reaction.
"Larissa I love it, it's beautiful".
"Do you know what each part represents? The heart represents love, the crown denotes loyalty, and the hands are a sign of friendship. You're not just my love Naomi, you're my best friend and I promise to be loyal to you for as long as I live".
A lump began to form in my throat.
"Shouldn't you be saving that for your vows?" I joked as I wiped away yet another round of happy tears.
We both laughed and she hugged me, "you big softie" she whispered.

We spent the rest of the holiday exploring as much of Bruges as we could. We visited the typical tourist spots like Burg Square and Belfort, took in the art at the Musea Sculpta, ate way too much street food at The Markt, had fun making our own chocolates at the Belgian Chocolate Workshop and enjoyed a harp concert performed by Luc Vanlaere (music was what brought us together after all). On our last day we were really sad to leave as this holiday had been an adventure neither of us would forget.


When we landed at the airport we were surprised by Brianna, Jamie, Cassie, Max, Enid and Wednesday cheering, clapping and holding multi-coloured balloons with a big banner that said 'Congratulations!!!' Larissa was so overwhelmed that she cried (again!), to which Wednesday rolled her eyes but Enid cried too and hugged Larissa tightly.

A little later on I pulled Wednesday aside and asked her something that was almost as nerve-wracking as asking Larissa to marry me.
"Will you play the violin for us at the wedding?"
To my shock she gave me a huge smile and said, "of course I will".
"Oh thank god! I mean...thank you. It would mean a lot to both of us. I have something very specific I'd like you to play though, I'll send you the sheet music now".
I took out my phone and sent her the digital version of the sheet. I'd already converted it for her ready for this moment.
"Porcelain Beauty? I've never heard of it" she said.
"I know, I composed it myself but obviously I'll be busy on the day so who better to perform it than my favourite student?"
Her smile got bigger and she agreed to practise it and perform it.
"Thank you so much Wednesday. Can I hug you?" I asked.
"Fine" she said reluctantly but I made the most of the opportunity. I hugged her, picked her up and swung her around.
"Your serotonin levels are extremely high at the moment, so I'll allow that" she said bluntly.
"Admit it, you enjoyed that just a teeny bit" I teased.
She gave me her death stare then went back over to the group, failing to walk in a straight line.

I stood back and watched all of my favourite people celebrating this joyous moment together. I caught Larissa's eye and she smiled at me lovingly. This wedding was going to be amazing.

Hey reader! Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. If you would like me to write about the wedding then let me know and I just might ;) This story is also on AO3 if you'd like to support it there too! ❤️

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