Honeymoon (NSFW)

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One week later...

Larissa and I were now on our way to the airport to set off on our honeymoon. We'd booked a ten day break in Fiji. It was a place both of us had always wanted to go to so now was the perfect time.

When we stepped off the plane the sun was blinding, poor Larissa nearly burst into flames because of her pale complexion. A coach took us to our hotel, we were staying in an overwater bungalow at Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay in Nadi. It was surprisingly spacious and we had an amazing view of the vast turquoise waters from our balcony. White rose petals had been scattered all over the bed when we arrived and the hotel had kindly left us a honeymoon hamper. The basket was filled with skin care products, mini travel accessories, chocolates and a bottle of pink Prosecco. There was also a card inside:

A little gift for the newlyweds!!
Have an amazing honeymoon here in Fiji.
We hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Larissa was already applying one of the mud face masks before I had even finished reading the card aloud.
"Don't you want to unpack first?" I asked, laughing.
"My skin feels dreadful after that flight, I need to rejuvenate!" she said, "there's enough in here for two you know?"
I rolled my eyes then tied my hair back, "fiiiine go on then".
She took great pleasure in covering my face in the mud mask, finishing it off with a boop on my nose.
"There! Now leave it on for ten minutes, it will start to go hard soon".
"Hmm what can we do to occupy ourselves for ten minutes?" I said flirtatiously, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Well...nothing much with these on" she pointed to her face.
"My hands are free though" I held my hands up and wiggled my fingers.
She giggled and even through the thick layer of mud I could tell she was blushing. She sat on the bed as I drew the curtains, when I turned around her legs were already parted and her underwear was long gone.
"Someone's keen" I teased.
"I told you I needed to rejuvenate" she said, smirking.
I knelt in front of her and after a few minutes her mud mask began to crack as she screwed up her face, little whines escaping her throat.
"Now that is how you kick off a honeymoon" I said to her as she gasped for air, steadily coming back down to earth.


For the first few days we caught some sun on the beach, discovered waterfalls, explored caves and visited temples. I was already starting to get a tan but Larissa was still as pale as ever. She always looked so glamorous even when she was sunbathing, I couldn't help but stare at her long toned body in a red bikini as she lay on her towel next to me. Her face framed with a pair of dark round sunglasses.

"Darling could you rub some suncream into my back please?" Larissa asked at one of our trips to the beach.
She leaned forward and I sat behind her, my legs either side of hers. I pulled the string tie of her bikini apart, little did she know I was doing it with my teeth. I started to gently kiss her back and she hummed with pleasure.
"Mmm that feels so nice".
I could never resist kissing her back, it was just something I liked to do and it gave her goosebumps every time. My hands glided up her sides and her breath hitched.
"Not here!" she whispered to me but with a tiny giggle.
I stopped and rubbed in the suncream instead, throwing in a little shoulder massage too.
I tied her bikini back up then wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder, the pair of us looking out to sea.
"I'm so happy" I said dreamily.
"Me too my love" Larissa replied.
She took off her sunglasses and turned her head to kiss me, her eyes bluer than the sea.


We visited so many amazing places during our stay, Larissa's little camera went everywhere with us! My personal favourite was the Garden of the Sleeping Giant, Larissa's was the Sabeto Hot Springs and Mud Pool. She loved spa treatments and didn't need an excuse to wear another mud mask!

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