The Rave'N

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I thought long and hard about whether or not I should go to the Rave'N. I wanted to see Larissa again so badly but I knew as soon as I would see her I'd fall in love all over again. I was afraid of what she might say or do, would she reject me or worse completely ignore me? What if Mayor Walker was there? I don't think I could stand seeing them together again.
I hadn't heard from Larissa at all since that day. I wondered if she was thinking about me, if she was suffering like I was. I tortured myself all week thinking of her, I tried to play 'Porcelain Beauty' but could never finish it without bursting into tears. My friends rallied around me like they did at school but all I wanted was Larissa to hold me in her arms again.
"I'm going" I decided on Saturday morning, "I need to see her, even if it is for the last time".

As the evening approached I put on my best set of white clothes and headed to the academy. I ordered a taxi because I knew I would need alcohol at some point. On the way I sent a message to the group, 'I'm going. Wish me luck x'. They all replied with good luck messages and Jamie offered to pick me up afterwards, 'Thanks. I'll try not to be a drunken mess this time x' I replied to him.
My stomach started to fill with dread as the taxi got closer to the school. Already I could see lots of excited students dressed in white and silver making their way over to the hall. They were all paired up and I couldn't help but be a little jealous of their young love.
As I stepped out of the car I fastened my blazer buttons and took a few deep breaths before I entered the hall. It looked just as spectacular as it did the last time I was here.
"Here we go again" I said to myself. I thought back to the school reunion months ago and wished I had my friends around me again, but this was something I had to do on my own.
I looked around but couldn't see Larissa anywhere so I headed to the punch bowl, I secretly hoped it had been spiked with rum but unfortunately it hadn't.
My mind was so distracted that I had forgotten my dress gloves. The plastic red cup I was holding started to solidify in my hand as I drank, my fingers got stuck to it so I had to prize them off.
"Ow! I hate this fucking power sometimes" I growled under my breath as I threw the cup away.
"Having some trouble?" a familiar monotone voice said.
"Oh hi Wednesday" I turned around to see Wednesday, unsurprisingly, dressed in black.
"You look great! I love your dress! Where did you get it?"
"Uriah's Heap in Jericho".
"I remember that place! My friend Cassie used to drag us in there all the time to shop for dusty old books" I said, chuckling as I relived the memory.
"You're lucky, Enid doesn't have the same taste in the macabre as I do".
She helped herself to the punch and stood next to me. I was actually grateful for her presence, having someone who felt just as out of place as me was comforting.
"So who's your date tonight?" I asked.
"Enid" she said bluntly. I tried to act surprised.
"Really? I didn't know you two were-"
"We're not, she's far too happy and colourful for me".
"Opposites do attract..."
"Don't be ridiculous," she said firmly.
I sniggered, "I've seen the way she looks at you Wednesday. I think she really likes you. If you don't mind me asking, how do you feel about her?"
"I...I don't know" and for the first time Wednesday looked bashful.
"Maybe you should talk to her, when the time feels right".
She pondered for a minute then downed what was left in her cup, tossed it away and said "I can do better than that". She stormed over to Enid on the dancefloor, shoved her dance partner out of the way, grabbed her face and kissed her. I stood there watching with my jaw hanging open. Enid pulled away at first looking confused, but then she put her hands on Wednesday's waist and they kissed again. They drew the attention of everyone around them but they didn't care, this was their moment.
"Good for you girls" I thought proudly.

An hour had passed and there was still no sign of Larissa. I was starting to feel really really awkward lurking about on my own now so I decided to leave. The realisation that I probably wouldn't ever see her again hit me hard, but she was clearly avoiding me so it was time to move on.
I wiped my eyes and waved goodbye to the girls. They came running over to me, holding hands.
"Naomi! Are you leaving already?" Enid said sadly.
"I'm afraid so, my date hasn't turned up".
"Who the hell would stand you up?! You look amazing!" Enid gushed.
I smiled at the compliment, "thanks Enid".
"Come and dance with us!" she insisted.
"No sorry I'm not in the mood now, I'll leave you girls to it. Have a great night".
Enid gave me a huge hug that nearly broke my ribs and went skipping off to the dancefloor, she tried to pull Wednesday away with her but she stayed put.
"I'll be there in a minute" she told her and turned back to me.
"I don't do this often but I wanted to thank you. For everything. Especially tonight" she said.
"Hey that was all you" I said, pointing discreetly to Enid. Her mouth flickered into a small smile.
"Who was your date?" she asked.
"It doesn't matter now".
Then I heard a familiar click clack of heels enter the hall and we both turned to see Larissa walking in. She looked stunning in a glittering silver bodycon dress with long sleeves and a thin silver belt cinching her waist. Her hair was pinned up to perfection and her lips were painted a vibrant red. My jaw clenched as butterflies exploded in my stomach.
"I've seen the way she looks at you too...and the way you look at her" Wednesday said, echoing my words to her about Enid earlier.
"It's...complicated" I said, trying not to stare at Larissa. Wednesday folded her arms.
"Whatever has gone on between you two. Fix it. I don't want another music teacher" and she walked off to join Enid on the dance floor.
"Well that's me told".

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