Chapter 1: The Slytherin Wife

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Y/n's POV
Ominis was a great friend of mine during my first few years at Hogwarts. We both shared a common ground as we both came from powerful, pure-blood families. We both grew up being told what was expected of us. We must academically succeed, always follow the family traditions, and continue the blood line. That was it. As easy as those expectations may sound, it came with consequences. I persevered, Ominis did not.

By Fifth year, our dear friend Sebastian needed us the most. He wanted to cure his sister from the dark curse placed upon her by Rookwood. It was there when I got even closer to Ominis. Our enthusiasm and curiosity with magic, bonded us together. I would say that, that was when my feelings for Ominis began showing even more. Not that it wasn't there, it was always there, I've just been too scared to admit anything. I was enamoured by the heir of Slytherin. He was a charming young wizard.

Sadly, it was not to be. As Sebastian and I ventured deeper into the dark arts, Ominis began showing his resentment towards such magic. He spoke about his experiences with his family, which I knew was something that truly hurt Ominis, but Sebastian needed us. Sebastian needed a friend. I figured that if it wasn't going to be Ominis, then it had to be me. I knew what it felt like to be alone. I didn't want Sebastian to feel like that, but I hated seeing Ominis go through all that worry.

After curing Anne and saving Hogwarts, everything went back to normal...sort of. Everyone at school saw me as a hero. The House Cup celebration really showcased everyone's gratefulness, and I loved every bit of it. That was, until I saw Ominis Gaunt. He looked happy for me, but also...broken.

After the celebrations, I decided to have a little walk with him that evening. The moon shone bright over us, and the sounds of chirping crickets filled the silence that enveloped us. It wasn't awkward, but the feeling was slightly off.

"Ominis, I- I like you," I admitted, cutting off the silence.

"Y/n...we can't," he replied sternly.

"I-If it's because of my affiliation with the dark arts, I promise it's over. I won't use it ever again," I swore, staring at him with pleading eyes.

"I don't like you Y/n. I don't think I ever will," he sighed.

I froze. I watched Ominis walk away, leaving me alone under the moonlight, cold and lonely.

My feelings for Ominis never faded. I held onto some hope that Ominis will come around, and that he'll reciprocate those feelings. He didn't. Ominis pushed me away over, and over, every year until seventh year.

On my seventeenth birthday, I was sat opposite Ominis Gaunt in that large dining hall. The long table created a wide gap in between us, and the black roses blocked my view of my once close friend. It was awkward for sure. Ominis and I sat quietly whilst our parents spoke about this arrangement. It was the least I expected, when my father said they were gonna send me to marry someone.

By this time, I wanted to so desperately move on from Ominis, but with this'd be impossible. I suppose I should have been careful when I made that wish a few years ago, that promise I made with Ominis Gaunt when we were First Years.

"Promise me we'll get married," I smiled widely at Ominis, as I held his hand.

"I promise to marry you one day, so you won't marry an evil wizard," Ominis replied, smiling as he squeezed my hand.

I sighed, as I stood up. The chair made a loud noise when I moved back, causing it to echo through the walls. I remembered the words Ominis said. He will never like me. This arrangement cannot go on. It'll be messy, it'll be a wreck. A loveless relationship? It was the last thing I'd ever want. I didn't want a marriage like my parents. The constant arguments, the yelling, the fighting, the pain. It was not worth it.

"Where are you going?" Ominis asked as he grabbed my hand, stopping me from opening the doors.

"I cannot let this happen," I whispered, stopping the tears from falling down.

"Don't- please...if-if you leave, they'll hurt me," Ominis begged.

It hurt. It hurt knowing that I care so deeply for Ominis, so much so that I'd do anything to aid his pains. I knew what his family has done to him, and I'd never forgive myself, if they were to touch Ominis like that again. I hesitated for a bit, pulling my hands away from those doorknobs.

"Alright," I sighed.


"You may now kiss the bride."

Ominis hesitated, as he gently lifted the veil that once covered my face. The veil that covered my nervousness, my fear, my pain. Slowly, Ominis inched towards me, whilst his hand gently gripped my cheeks. His lips brushed mine gently, it was soft, but passionless.

I've always wondered what Ominis' lips felt like on mine, but I expected it'd be like those described in books. Boy was I wrong. The kiss almost felt forced, as they pressed on mine tensely. There was no love with that kiss. I wondered if Ominis felt the passion when I kissed him back, the passion that I had suppressed for so long.

I looked back at the crowd, seeing my father's proud nod, as I walked past him for the last time. For a bit, I felt happy to finally be free from that loud household, but as I stared back at Ominis Gaunt, I knew this happiness wasn't going to last.


That night, Ominis and I saw our new home. It was cosy indeed. It wasn't as dark as Gaunt manor, and it wasn't as loud as my home. It felt...nice. It felt nice to finally have a comfortable home, a home that I could truly relax in, a home where I could picture a happy future.

"This would be your room...madam," The house elf spoke, politely.

"My room?" I questioned. I turned to Ominis who stood handsomely behind me, listening in.

"Yes...Mister Gaunt's room will be at the end of this hallway," The house elf said, pointing at the door at the very end of that corridor.

" this how we're going to live?" I asked, my eyes still glued on Ominis.

"Yes.'re suggesting that I perform my duty to you," Ominis replied whilst his face expressed a questioning look. "Is that what you want from me?"

I stepped back a little, feeling a sense of pain as I looked at my now husband. Is this how we are to be? Is our marriage a simple duty for our parents? Am I just a tool to continue the family bloodline? A tear rolled down my cheek, as I gently clenched my white dress.

"Is that what you want?" I asked back.

"No, but I can tell that it's upsetting you," Ominis sighed, as he walked towards me.

"No...I'd- I'd like to be alone tonight,"

"Great, then it's settled!" Ominis exclaimed, causing me to flinch as he walked towards his room.

That night, I found myself crying endlessly. The sheets were covered by my tears. I love Ominis dearly, I do. What I do not love is this marriage. I was nothing but a wife, who'll be used to continue the bloodline. I was not to be loved by the man I had loved so hard. I am merely a Slytherin Wife.

A/N: I'm doing a complete rewrite of this book

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