Chapter 21: Year 5 and 6

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Long chapter ahead
It was not at all a good summer break. It became apparent that my role as a woman in my family took precedence over any fun. This was the year where everything changed, my mother explained it as me blooming like a flower.

I knew that my brothers and father were already setting up a list of men who'd be worthy to court me, and hopefully marry me, one of the names were obviously Ominis Gaunt, but he came close to last.

When I came back to Hogwarts and settled into classes, things were slightly different. Other than the big change in Ominis and Sebastian's height, we were placed in different classes. I often found myself stuck with Sebastian and Anne, and Ominis was only with me in one class. It was quite awfully sad too.

"How about we take a walk by the lake after class?" Ominis suggested. "You've been far to quiet for my liking,"

"I-," I began. "Could I join?" Anne asked.

"I'd love for you to join us, but walks by the lakes are Y/n and I's thing. I wish to spend more time with Y/n," Ominis explained.

"Y/n and I's thing" that is what he said. Something about those words my stomach tingle, as though I had swallowed butterflies. It was Ominis and I'd thing now; to walk down by the lake as the sun begins to set. Just mine and Ominis'.

"Oh that's alright then, you two have fun!" Anne smiled cheerfully.

"I'd like that," I finally mumbled to Ominis. Ominis smiled and squeezed my hand before going back to write his notes.

Just as he had said, Ominis and I walked by the lake, talking about anything. It wasn't until we spoke about weddings and marriages that our walk grew even more quieter.

"I don't even know if I ever want to marry," Ominis admitted. "Forwarding the Gaunt name seems to be an awful idea,"

"I've no choice. Marriage for me is just an economic advantage," I sighed. "But in saying that, I wish to be wed. I wish to be wed with..." I trailed off before taking a breath.

This was it. This was my chance. This is my moment to tell Ominis how I feel.

"With someone who loves me for the way that I am, who'd take me on endless walks by the lake, someone who'd take notice when I'm too quiet," I giggled. "So...someone like me?" Ominis laughed. "Not someone like you, silly," I replied. Ominis let out a sad 'oh' before I laughed and caressed his soft gentle skin. "Someone who is you," I whispered.

I found myself laying on Ominis' shoulder as his soft breath tickled my ear. Our palms gently touched, sharing the warmth of our hands. This was the only time I felt Ominis Gaunt this close to me. "If I am to wed...I am only to wed you. I will not take anyone else's hand. I feel it! I feel it in my heart that you're meant for me, and I to you," Ominis whispered.

"And I hate to interrupt your snug session, but dinner's starting soon,"Sebastian interrupted as he ran down the hill, getting closer and closer to us.
My heart ached as Sebastian shared the news about Anne's curse. While at first, we were confident that Solomon would find a cure for her, but slowly...he too lost hope.

"That's it. I'm taking matters into my own hands," Sebastian grumbled.

"I shall help," I stated, but Ominis held my hand. "This is a dangerous job Y/n," Ominis sighed, shaking his head. "Ominis, Sebastian needs us. Anne too," I replied. "Fine. Go. I will not be a part of any of this," Ominis scoffed.

I shrugged at Sebastian, as a way of telling him that we've got no other choice.

So it began. Sebastian and I searched to and fro for a cure, getting to almost nowhere. But from what I've heard Ominis had been visiting Anne from time to time, often staying with the Sallows to avoid his own family. It was there that it seemed that Ominis and I's walk by the water is no longer "our thing", no, it quickly became Ominis and Anne's thing.

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