Chapter 17: A Gift

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My skin shivered at the touch of the cold breeze that past through my body. I couldn't see anything, all I could hear was the sound of clanking metal as I moved and the dripping sound from behind me. Where was I? My heart thumped as everything finally settled in. I wasn't at home. I was alone, in a dark room.

"H-hello?" I called out, my voice shaking as it echoed back. "P-please, let me go," I pleaded.

"Ah, you're awake," I heard Marvolo's voice echo from afar. "I did miss your pretty face, but Ominis wanted to keep you all to himself. A selfish prick that one," he scoffed.

"Marvolo this is not the deal. This- This is horrendous. She is pregnant," Corvus voice sighed. "Relax, I only kept her here to make sure she doesn't run away the moment she wakes," Marvolo chuckled. "I'm not evil, you know,"

Panic filled my body as their voices echoed around me like the confusion that surrounded me. Why was I here? Where is Ominis? Is he okay?

"Relax, I'm just unlocking the chains," Marvolo laughed upon seeing me flinch at his touch. "He'll find you. He won't be happy," I hissed. "My brother is a weakling , so fast to run away from his own family, just so he doesn't get his feelings hurt. No one runs away from the Gaunts, sweetheart." I could imagine the smirk plastered on his face as he spoke. Marvolo Gaunt did like to make himself look and feel powerful.

"Corvus, with the kindness in your heart, please set me free," I begged. "Corvus, don't," Marvolo intervened. "Corvus, I beg of you. I am carrying the next heir of Slytherin. Corvus, for the honour of your wife I plead," I sob.

"No. You don't get to mention her. Don't you dare mention her!" Corvus exclaimed before I felt cold metal hit my neck. "Uh oh, someone pressed the wrong buttons," Marvolo teased before taking off the cloth that blinded my sight.

"What are you going to do to me?" I sniffled. "Just a bit of fun really, just until your dear husband realises you're gone, or dead," Marvolo shrugged.

I knew I wasn't ready to die yet. I couldn't! Something in me sparked. I could not leave Ominis alone. If I were to die, it would be after the birth of my child, even if it's the only gift I could ever give Ominis in my last dying breath.

"Where should we start? Crucio perhaps? No. That's cruel, let's start of with something fun. Duel me," Marvolo smirked before we apparated to a different room. "I've no wand," I mumbled. "Please, we both know you're powerful enough to do wandless magic," he pushed. He was right. So be it.

"A proper welcome to the Gaunt family,"


"Stop it. Stop it at once!" Corvus begged.

My body shook wildly as my knees hit the ground. My screams echoed through that tall room made of stone. Even as I screamed painfully, I worried for my child. Oh how Ominis would be upset if I had lost this child.

"My, Corvus. Whose side are you on. She made me do it. She wasn't fighting back," Marvolo chuckled as he watched my body ache.

"He is coming, he is angry," Corvus announced.

Soon enough, the doors swung open violently, and from the brightly waxed floors, I saw Ominis Gaunt.

"You imprudent little gits! Lay your hands off my wife!" Ominis exclaimed as he stomped in.

In a swift motion, I felt my hair being pulled back, and a sharp cold metal hit my neck. My breathing turned shallow as I now faced Ominis Gaunt with worry and fear.

"Did you really think we'd let you off that quickly," Marvolo smirked. "Oh how I wish you could see the state of your wife. The fear in her eyes,"

Ominis cautiously aimed spells as his brother, but he was easily dodge them while dragging me with him.

"You bore me dear brother," Marvolo yawned. "It was father who begged for your return. The youngest of the boys, the one who is to get most of their inheritance,"
Marvolo spat. "Dear mother prefers you, she says,"

"Take it. Take it all. I want my wife, and that is all," Ominis sighed.

"Just the wife?" Marvolo smirked.

With that, I felt a sharp pain across my abdomen. A squeak left my lips, not a scream, not a squeal, a small squeak, along with tears that stained my cheeks.

"N-no! Marvolo that wasn't the deal," Corvus' voice, almost faint, echoed. "Y/n, Y/n," Ominis sobbed as I felt his warmth. "T-the b-baby," I cried, feeling the blood drip. "I know, I know," he whispered.

"Come on, work goddamnit!" Corvus exclaimed, waving his wand. "Omi," I sobbed as I gently caressed his cheek. "N-no, you'll be okay! You'll be okay! Don't- Don't leave me here," Ominis cried.

"W-wiggenweld! WIGGENWELD," Corvus screamed frantically as he ran away.

With a few moments, the bitter taste of the potion touched my lips, and the sharp pain eased down. Even that, however, darkness overcame my body.

"N-No, no, no, stay with me Y/n. Don't give up on me," Oninis' faint sobs echoed before everything was silent.


It was the loud growl of the thunder that awoke me from my rest. A soft groan left my lips as I settled into my new setting. The room was grim and gray, only lit up by the candle next to me. The windows showed a dark rainy night. I was alone. Truly alone. My body was quick to realise the weight from my stomach was taken away. My baby. My child. Had I lost my child too? A year managed to escape my eyes at the idea of that possibility. How horrid. How horrible of me to lose me child.

"Why do cry my love?" I heard Ominis' voice. I couldn't get myself to face him, not with the guilt that clung onto my heart. "The baby, I lost the baby," I sobbed, my eyes still avoiding his face. "Oh my sweetheart, look up. Someone wants to meet you," he chuckled.

I looked up gently, and to my surprise I saw him with a baby in his arms. "The baby survived?" I gasped. "Yes, Marvolo had only managed to cut, and the doctors said she was quite healthy and ready," he explained as he handed me the small child.

Small thin strands of the baby's hair was the same as Ominis', along with her soft blue eyes. Some of her features were clearly mine, but yet Ominis' was stronger.

"She's beautiful," I cried. Ominis pressed his forehead on mine, while one arm touched the baby's cheek. "I was there when she was born, oh her soft cries were like music, a great symphony that played after the silence and my fear," Ominis whispered. "Oh, I'm sorry I worried you," I frowned before kissing his lips. "It is quite alright my love, what's important is that you're okay, and our child is healthy. After what happened, Marvolo is not to harm us again. I made sure of it," Ominis smiled.

"Oh how adorable!" A nurse entered. "We're glad you're awake Mrs. Gaunt. Are you feeling alright? Any pains?" She asked. I looked at her all puzzled, as though I had asked my body about its own well-being. "No, I'm quite alright," I smiled. "Perfect! And for you child, have you thought of a name yet?" She asked.

A name. Ominis and I never thought about names. I looked at Ominis cluelessly, to which Ominis returned. "Sybil," I mumbled. "Sybil Gaunt,"

Ominis' eyes lit up as he heard the name. "Sybil, I love it," he smiled. The nurse nodded as she wrote it down.

"My beautiful girls, I shall endeavour to be the very best father, and husband," Ominis mumbled audibly. "I love you," I whispered. "I love you dearly," he smiled before kissing my forehead.

I smiled at the baby girl in my arms, she was a great gift from the gods. She was an unexpected, yet somewhat expected gift. Upon seeing her softly closed eyes, I would protect her with my whole heart.

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