Chapter 12: Are We Ready?*

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~~~ smut warning ~~~

Gently closing the door behind me, Ominis placed passionate kisses on my lips, gently biting it while he was at it.

I have seen Ominis Gaunt being passionate about something, but this passion was something else. His jaded eyes was filled with lust, it inspired me to kiss him just a little harder.

"Y/n, I-," he gasped as I tugged onto the hem of his pants, pulling him closer to me. "What's wrong?" I asked, quickly pulling away. I watched Ominis close his eyes as he shook his head. I felt bad, feeling as though I've overstepped.

"Fuck it," he whispered before reconnected his lips on mine. "I want this, and you. I want you," he mumbled as he placed wet kisses on any skin that he could nibble on. "Tell me you want this too," he added.

I can feel his hardness brush over my thigh as he gently pushed me down the mattress. "Tell me," he whispered again. "I want you Ominis, I want you Ominis Gaunt," I gasped upon feeling his fingered fumble with the buttons of my nightgown. "My good girl," he smirked with his deep voice. With that, Ominis Gaunt worked on every button on that nightgown. No, he ripped it off.

His kisses turned hungry, as lips lingered on mine, begging ever so passionately for more. It was almost as though Ominis Gaunt has waited for this moment for a long time.

The buckling and zipping sound echoed loudly through the room, almost louder than the sound of Ominis' soft gasps as I place my hand on his neck, encouraging his abuse on my skin. "You- You've done this before," I questioned in between gasps. "No, but that's not to say I've imagined it," he replied as he slid out of his shirt. "Imagined what pretty little sounds you'd make under my touch, how much of a mess you'll be," he whispered as I felt his cold hands breeze over the wet spot. "How wet you'd be, just like you are now," he added as he held a smirk.

"I wonder how good you'd feel around me," he whispered again before I felt the cold air breeze over my bare body. "Omi," I gasped as I pulled his shoulder closer to me. His fingers gliding over my breasts, fondling with it gently.

"Tell me when you want, darling," Ominis said with a soft whisper. His fingers were placed just exactly where I wanted them to be. "What is it you want from me," he added. Unable to speak out any word, I managed to let out a loud moan upon feeling a stretch within me. "Come on, sweetheart. Use your words," he encouraged. "Let me- p-pleasure you," I managed to mutter in between breaths.

With a smirk on his face, Ominis laid his back onto the back board of the bed. "Go ahead, my love. Go ahead and do what you wish," He smirked.

My excitement sky-rocketed when I saw Ominis waiting for me to do something. My fingers traced his chin gently, as I led his lips onto mine. My other hand gently rubbed onto his hard shaft causing him to moan into the kiss. "Fuuck," he grumbled. I smirked as I watched Ominis lean his head back in pleasure.

Slowly, I undid his pants, letting his length spring free. "You've waited for this haven't you?" Ominis smirked as I held onto it. After awhile, I aligned myself with Ominis, going down gently until I was fully seated on his lap. I was holding onto Ominis' shoulders while Ominis held onto my waist, guiding me up and down. "Merlin, why'd we wait so long?" Ominis gasped as I continued to move, getting faster and faster.

The pleasure was building within me as I continued to move on top of him, ensuring Ominis was enjoying it too. "That's it, that's my good girl. So nice and tight for me," Ominis encourage, moaning in ecstasy.

Out of the blue, Ominis pulled me down and leaned forward, pushing my back down onto the mattress. "O-Ominis," I stuttered as Ominis hit that one spot repetitively. "R-right there," I moaned again. "Yes darling, tell me what you need," he encouraged. "Harder, please," I pleaded. Ominis bit his lip as he began pushing in and out of me faster and harder, forcing my peak to come closer.

"I'm so close," I panted. "That's it darling, let go," he encouraged as he continued moving in and out. With my legs shaking, and my arms scratching onto Ominis' back, I finally met my body release every tension it was holding onto. "Are we actually ready for this? Are you ready to let me fill you?" Ominis asked as his thrusts got faster. "Yes, Ominis, please," I gasped. "Of course you are. Oh my darling girl," he grumbled. "Ominis!" I whimpered. "Yes, that's my good girl. Tell everyone who gets to touch you like this, tell everyone who you belong to," he whispered into my ear. Ominis thrusted hard one last time, groaning loud as I felt him twitch within me.

"Is that good?" Ominis asked kindly. "Perfect, perfect my love," I smiled as I gently kissed his lips. "Then this shall stand as a reminder of how good I did," Ominis smiled as he gently pulled out, replacing the space with his fingers and forcing his release into me. "I love you, Ominis," I whispered. "I love you too, Y/n. I love you more than anything in the world," he replied as he gently pulled the sheets over us.


Upon waking up, I saw Ominis Gaunt caressing my cheek gently, and brushing away any strands of hair that was on my face. "I'm sorry, my love. Did I wake you?" He asked. "No, not at all," I smiled as I nuzzled onto his shoulder.

Our silent moment together was ruined by the soft knock on the door and the struggling sound of the doorknob. "Auntie, uncle, I'm hungry," I heard Mildred whine from behind the door.

Ominis and I quickly leapt up, realising that we were still babysitting our niece. "You don't think she heard, did you?" I asked as I quickly got dressed. "Y/n, the whole neighbourhood could hear," Ominis teased. "If I hadn't managed to chuck in a silencing charm. Don't worry," he added, causing me to sign in relief. "Milly, we'll be out in a sec!" I exclaimed.

Before opening the door, Ominis held onto my hand and nodded reassuringly. "Go get a nice bath, I'll go get us something to eat," he smiled. "Thank you," I whispered before kissing his cheek.

Upon watching him gently pick up Mildred and entertaining the hungry child, a thought couldn't leave my head. "Oh how great he'd be as a father," I thought, as my hands laid comfortably on my stomach. Soon. Soon, I hope.

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