Chapter 18:Rookwood's Chaos

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A soft hush was heard from half-opened door, and a slow sway of Ominis' shadow was seen evidently cutting off the light from the room. I was curious with how Ominis managed to get the little girl to sleep, it seemed like Ominis was the only one who had the power to do so. I sneakily leaned my back on the door frame whilst pushing the door open quietly.

"I guess I can talk until you sleep. What should I tell you? Hmm...oh! Let me tell you about one of my favourite memory in Hogwarts. I remember in seventh year, we were making Amortentia, the most powerful love potion. It is said that with that potion, you could smell the person you love most. Well, I smelled lavender, with a mix of wet grass under the morning sun, old books and parchment, all the scents that reminded me of your mother. It was there when I realised that I loved your mother. I love your mummy very much," my husband whispered soothingly. "Sleep well my sweet girl,"  Ominis added as he put her down the crib.

In awe, I quietly snuck behind me and wrapped my arms around him. His warmth calmed my soul, as though his touch was one that I longed for this long day.

"Are you surprised?" I hummed. "Darling, I may be blind, but I can feel your presence from far away," Ominis chuckled before turning around to wrap his arms around me. "Did you like what I told her?"

I snickered at his question, pretending as though I had no idea what he meant, as though he had asked something so ambiguous. "No, why would I? If you truly loved me by then you would have already picked me up and kissed me," I laughed. "Okay, shall I get my hands on a time turner, have you in my arms by fifth year, marry you right after graduation," Ominis stated proudly. "Very funny Omi," I laughed as I kissed his cheek.

The baby slept soundly as I gently caressed it gently. Her soft coos was heard as she was tickled by my touch. She was the cutest little bundle of joy, the sweetest little girl I've ever seen. It took everything in me to stop myself from squishing out of her overwhelming cuteness.

"Now some quiet time," Ominis sighed as he gently pulled me away from our daughter. "Omi, what's the rush?" I laughed as I turned to face him while closing the door. "Nothing, I just want to spend time with my dear wife," he explained.

My laugh was cut off by a quick knock on the door. Ominis sighed in annoyance as we made our way to the door. I was shocked to see Sebastian Sallow appear before us once again, but this time I did not fear him...I couldn't; not when he stared at me with those sorrowful eyes as he carried Anne's body in his arms.

"I- I know I'm not the best person to see right now, b-but, I don't know what to do, I'm- Anne she just passed out. She- she kept on yelling 'he's back! He's back' before she fell. I don't know what to do," Sebastian sobbed.

Ominis and I stared at each other for a bit, questioning Sebastian's words. Was this another trick?

I let out a sigh as I let them in. I had instructed Anne to be placed on the couch. It wasn't until I touched Anne's arm that a strong wave of pain hit my body harshly. I felt everything in me squeeze as I shivered in pain. I quickly took my hand off, panting as the pain traumatised my soul.  But if my memory could recall properly, I remembered a glimpse of an image and a familiar voice, along with the pain the surrounded my body.

"W-what is that?" I panted. Ominis placed his hand on my shoulder as he gently comforted me. "What is it?" Sebastian asked. "I saw something, I-I don't know," I explained. "Don't-," Ominis began, but I had already held onto her hand.


"did you really think I was gone?" Rookwood laughed in the dark void, only a spotlight made him stand out. "Did you really think I would let you beat in me like that? Oh sweetheart, how mistaken You are. No one could ever kill me,"

Rookwood, in the same outfit he wore when he died, inched closer to me, almost in mockery as he kept a smirking look.

"You think you can just live your dream life that quickly, oh how wrong you are! I will find you, and make sure you relearn your lesson about messing with me"

"He's back, Rookwood's back!" I exclaimed.

"Back? Shit!" Sebastian muttered. "But Anne is healed, why her?"

"He's hunting for us. He's- he said he'll make me relearn- what does that mean?" I questioned angrily. "What does this mean!" I sobbed.

I touched Anne's arm again
"I will find You, and you will pay. I'll make sure of it,"
"Y/n," Ominis whispered. "Omi, he's coming for me," I sobbed.

"No. Y/n, you're not sacrificing yourself," Ominis stated sternly. "It is that or we turn back time," I argued. "We turn back time, it's as easy as that," Sebastian shrugged. "We can avoid everything,"

I shook my head as I sobbed. "Y/n, just because you live in paradise now because you bear a child as a Slytherin Wife, does not mean it's been easy for everyone else. Turning back time is better, we can avoid this all," Sebastian argued.

"We won't know anything, we'll be exactly the way we were at that time," Ominis explained. "History would just repeat itself,"

"We need to think about this," I sighed. "I need to think about this,"

Surely going back in time works, but at what cost? What if nothing changes at all? If everything that has ever happened in the world is based solely on our decisions, what's the possibility of us returning to this exact moment of time?

Thoughts flood my brain as I tried to find a solution. It's highly probable for us to choose different decision, but what how sure are we that we'll make different decisions? Oh Merlin! Oh how I wish I could just go back to before all this chaos.

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