Chapter 27: My light

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After Graduation, Ominis and I agreed on waiting until we had settled into our new lives before we even get married, allowing us to ease into the "real world". Ominis went out to become a professor in Herbology, and I chose to be an auror.

Living close to Hogwarts was most definitely a good thing for us, as Ominis gets to go home quite often. The issue was, however, was that I was getting sent to mission, after mission, after mission. I was barely home. To compensate, Ominis and I would send letters, letting each other know about what we've been doing. Sometimes though, I feel like our schedules would often clash.

"Must you go tonight, my love?" Ominis sighed as I smuggled onto his chest.
"I do, I'm Omi..." I trailed off before kissing his neck one last time.
"Damn ministry," Ominis grumbled.

I regretted leaving that night...for no one could have ever prepared me enough for this day. Being an auror means that you have to fight against dark wizards and witches, which quite literally what my family is...dark witches and wizards. I knew what my family was, and I knew my job well. I just...did not expect seeing my own eldest sister standing in front of me.

"Sissy! What a coincidence, huh?" She said in a cackle. "Look at you, being a hero,"
"You are...under arrest for the use of magic against muggles," I stated robotically as I approached her.

She laughed as she took a step back. It was there that my brothers appeared beside her, including my youngest brother. He stared with a forced look on his face, as if he didn't want to be there at all.

"You really think I'd do this all alone? How funny of you to assume," my sister cackled.
"Stop this madness Cressida!" I exclaimed.
"Oh come on Y/n, just run away like you always do,"
I let out a huff as I tried to stop the tears from falling.
"I'm not a kid anymore," I mumbled.

I heard her let out a small, truncated laugh before I felt the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. My body shivered as everything within me ached.

"Not so big anymore, are we?" She smirked.
Everything was all doozy. I couldn't really tell what was going on. I could only hear the door swinging open, and Ominis' voice.

"W-what happened?" Ominis asked worriedly as I felt my body being transferred to my fiancé.
"We're not too sure...mister Gaunt. We found her laying in the woods, clearly shaking in pain," my boss sighed. "Due to the injuries she might have succumbed we have decided to give her 2 weeks off,"

Once the door was closed and I was engulfed in the house's warmth, I began to fall into a cry. A soft cry. But a cry of hurt and pain.

"It's okay darling, you're home," Ominis whispered as he laid me down to the couch. "Let me get you a cup of tea. It ought to make you feel better,"

Minutes later, Ominis came back with a cup of tea and a blanket.
"Mind telling me what happened?" He asked, handing me the mug.

I gently wiped my tears and took a deep breath. With every second that my eyes were closed, the memory played loudly in my head.

"I-I had to face my sister and...and it was getting intense. S-she tried to..."

"Give up already sissy, you know you can never win," she smirked.

I shot out a strong spell, sending her backwards.

"Ugh! Avada Kedavra"


I gently opened my eyes upon realising that nothing happened to me. There, laying right before my eyes was the lifeless body of my youngest brother.

"N-no! No no!  Credence!" I sobbed, shaking him, hoping he'd wake.

Out of anger and spite, I let out a pained cry. I felt a wave of my own magic burst out of my skin, throwing my other siblings further away.

I ended up staying with my brother even as I matched the ministry take him away, knowing full well I should have been the one.
"It was my fault Omi! I am a horrible, horrible sister" I cried.

Ominis' face softened as he heard my sniffles. He placed soft kisses on my cheek as he wiped my tears away. I felt the warmth of the cup slip away from my hands as Ominis took it away from me. I allowed myself to be engulf in Ominis' touch, letting him hug me tightly as I sobbed loudly, shaking in grief. I had promised myself earlier that I would never forgive myself for what had happened, but as Ominis hugged me so comfortingly, I felt a sense of forgiveness within myself.

"Y/n, your brother did something so honourable. It is not worth wallowing about, and it's most definitely not your fault. Darling, he saved you! The best thing you could do is live the best life...for your brother," he whispered comfortingly. I gently nodded with my face still buried within the crook of his neck. Ominis was right. It was not worth wallowing about. Credence saved my life, and he would rather see me live it to the fullest that wallow in the past.

When the tears stopped flowing down my cheek, I took notice of the sun that shone brightly through the windows. "Shit! I-I've kept you...y-you might be late to work," I gasped as I immediately moved away from him.

Ominis chuckled softly and pulled me back down into a cuddle. "To hell with work, my fiancé needs me right now," he chuckled.
"No buts, I'm staying right here, and I'm not leaving until I hear your laugh again," he whispered into my ear. I took a long exhale as I gently rested on Ominis' chest.

"You are, quite literally, the light of my life," I giggled softly, like a little girl who was smitten over their lover.
"And you are mine," he hushed, kissing my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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