Chapter 26: I Want Us

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I gripped tightly into my skirt, while Ominis pulled me by the arm. He was like an excited little pup, his giggles were the main sign of it. He was smiling along the way, almost as if Ominis was so excited just tell me his surprise.

"Come on darling, come on!" He encouraged. His hand held onto my wrist, still pulling me.
"What's the surprise?" I begged.
"It won't be a surprise if I tell," Ominis pouted.

After a bit more running, I saw a beautiful picnic set, just as usual. This time, in a new location. It sat just under an Oak tree, which viewed the Black Lake. It was beautiful, extremely beautiful.

"I was told that this spot holds the most beautiful view. Is it beautiful?" He asked.
I let out a happy sigh as I admire the beauty of my view. "Breathtaking," I said.

Ominis chuckled before offering me to sit on the mat. It was there that Ominis revealed some of my favourite treats and a book. I helped him unpack the basket, which reminded me a weird memory of Ominis and I unpacking aunt Noctua's picnic basket when we were younger. It was breathtaking and amazing to see just how far we've come. I sure hope that Aunt Noctua was proud. I was sure, however, that I made my younger self proud.

"Ominis," I began.
"Yes, my love?"
I took in a deep breath and gathered all my thoughts before I spoke.
"I had always wondered what it would feel be loved. I wondered if love felt like the warm sun, or sound like the clattering of leaves as the trees danced along the soft breeze, or the comfort of a hot cocoa during a cold winter. I had always struggled with the meaning of it. I read it in books, I've been told that love was a romantic feeling, but my mother had told me that love was nonsense...a sort of fairytale," I began.

Ominis tilted his head upwards, holding a confused look on his face. "Are you saying that you do not feel loved by me?" He asked.

"No. I used to think love didn't exist, but there you are. It was you that defined love is for me. Do not laugh at me! Love to me wasn't like the fairytale books. You are my comfort and my pain, my happiness and most of all, you are my love,"

Ominis laughed before sitting up, facing me. He gently grazed his finger tips under my chin and placed a kiss on my lips. "You're silly, my love. It is why I love you so," he whispered. "But I can do you one better," he said, pulling me to stand up.

As soon as I stood up, Ominis kneeled in front of me and pulled out a box. "Stop! You joke too much," I gasped.
"'Tis no joke, my love," Ominis chuckled, revealing a shiny ring. The diamond gem shining so brightly, but the band was as gold as the setting sun.
"Y/n Y/L/N," he began.

"Oh Ominis!" I blushed in deep red.

"Y/n Y/L/N, we have...we have been given the gift of going back to fix our past, we've been separated but we managed to find each other. You make me feel complete, and I would like to ask...will you marry me...again?" Ominis' milky blue eyes glimmered, as he popped the question.

I leaned down to caress his cheek, feeling my heart beat 10x faster. "Absolutely! Yes," I cried. Ominis gleamed as he slid the ring into my finger, and kissing me so gently. Feeling the ring on my finger, I gently pushed Ominis down back onto the mat, keeping my lips on him.

"I love you," Ominis chuckled as he hugged me gently.
"I know I said I'll wait until after graduation, but after nearly losing you, I could not bear it," he added.

"I love you too," I whispered, nuzzling into his neck. "I am to be your wife," I giggled, admiring the ring.

"Anne helped me to choose it. I feel quite bad...I had her describe every ring," Ominis chuckled. "Everything just didn't seem perfect enough. I wanted the ring to sound just like you. Bright and shiny,"

"This is perfect," I smiled.
"Then I am glad," Ominis grinned softly, holding me by the waist. "Y/n Gaunt. Ugh! My fiancé is perfect," he blushed.

Ominis excitedly pulled me to the common room, making sure to show off the bright ring that now dressed my finger. Everyone in the common room cheered and clapped, congratulating us. I could even swear that Anne and Sebastian did a high five.

"Ah, you've grown so much mate," Sebastian chuckled as he leaned on Ominis.

Anne squealed as she pulled me away, jumping up and down happily. Her eyes did not leave the ring, not even once. She was so enamoured by it, and so was I. Imelda joined in too.

"That boy has been head over heels in love with you since first year. I had fears that my curse would ruin you both," Anne giggled awkwardly.
"Nonsense! Never once did Ominis ever stopped caring about her. Right after he visited you, it was 'where's Y/n?' If anything, he had fears that your brother would steal her away," Imelda argued, laughing as she recalled the memory.

The two girls rambled on about Ominis and I's relationship all throughout the years, but I had stopped paying attention. My eyes were fixed on my soon to be husband. He stood there in that far corner, laughing at some ass joke Sebastian said. It had clicked to me right there and then, that I am to wed, truly wed, THE Ominis Gaunt. It would probably be the one think our parents would approve of.

"Let the couple dance!" Anne exclaimed, pushing me towards Ominis, and him getting pushed by Sebastian.

Ominis' cheeks fell into a deep flush of red as he got closer to me. Soft waltz music played, and I awaited for Ominis' bow of invitation. When he did, Ominis didn't hesitate to lead the dance. He held onto my waist and took the led the way, swaying us along the beat of the music. No, he need not eyes to see the floor. I guided him, and he guided me. That was how our relationship worked. We helped each other in ways that no one could even begin to fathom.

"You are perfect," Ominis whispered. "My perfect, fiancé," he added.

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