Chapter 25: The Hero Again

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Slytherin's graduation party was once filled with music and chatter, people, teachers and friends were all enjoying themselves as they overindulged with the drinks, hoping it'd fade away the loudness. I don't particularly like parties, I think people get too reckless in them, but oh how Y/n persuaded me. Y/n could do that so easily; persuade me. She was so talented in it, but when it came to persuading her, there was nothing you could do.

Everything went into a halt upon hearing a spine-chilling call for help, that was much louder than the music. Y/n, was quick to act on it, not caring about her safety or anything else.

"Forbidden forest," she stated. "A Third year," she said, as if someone had just whispered it into her ear.
"Y/n, no. It is far too dangerous," I sighed, holding her back.
"Ominis, we're the only one's awake right now. They need us," she argued as she pulled away, taking her warmth with her.

I quickly fell into a state of panic, as I worried for her safety. She was wearing a long dress and a tight corset, there was no way she was well-equipped for a stroll in the forbidden forest, let alone be a hero in the dark. I felt almost helpless in knowing I couldn't do anything.

"Help me find Sebastian and Anne!" I yelled at the crowd.
"Right here, buddy," Sebastian announced as he touched my arm.
"Me too," Anne chirped.

As quickly as we could, we ran and followed Y/n. It seemed like we had forgotten the fact that the forest was huge. One could easily get lost. Worst of all though, were the creatures that resided and hunted late at night.

The screams were our only sense of direction. It was the only way we knew. Follow the screams.

"Please help me," a boy cried as he shivered and chilled.
"Why have you come here? This is a very dangerous place for a child," I questioned.
The boy began to sob. "I was proving my bravery to my friends,"
I let out a sigh, feeling bad for scolding the poor boy.
"Well they aren't really good friends if they put you in harm, alone," I said. "Are you hurt?"
"A little,"

He whined in pain as I gently inspected a familiar spider bite. I quickly took out a small potions kit from my dress pocket and handed him the Wiggenweld.

"There's spiders everywhere," he sobbed.
"I know buddy, so stay still," I ordered.

I quickly grabbed my wand and faced the spiders that were curiously watching me help the boy.  As one lunged at me, I luzes a spell that would immediately stop its movements. It was there that I realised just how many there were. A simple spell wasn't going to work.

"Take cover," I ordered the boy.

I fouces intently on my breathing and my power, honing the magic that was so deeply embedded within me. Vibes of white light wrapped my wand, down to ny hand and to my arms and body. This was something I've never done in awhile...

"Come on sweetheart, you can do it," father encouraged.

I focused on my power, my magic, letting the white light engulf me whole. I took a deep breath and flicked my wand at a dummy. It didn't work however, the bubble of white light burst and I felt light headed at it's overwhelming power.

"Daddy, I'm very dizzy," I mumbled.

"Weakling! You are a weakling!" He yelled as he slowly blurred from my vision
I flicked my wand and let the magic do its job. For the first time, I watched the Spiders disintegrate into little bits. It had worked!

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