Chapter 9: Little Brother

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Unknown POV
My hands jittered as I found myself in front of the house. From the windows, I could tell that the house had a sense of warmth and coziness, the house was decorated with warm lights from the chandelier and the lights that lit up the room itself. The chimney let out some black clouds, but it wasn't bad, but rather suggested the home was being comfortably used.

My hands jittered as it held onto the metallic door knocker. I began to hesitate, and questioned my business in their abode. My brother and I were never close, but he was closer to me than he was with Marvolo.

Without realising that I had knocked a few times out of pure anxiety, my brother appeared in front of me. My, he was all grown now. Slightly taller than I last remembered. His shoulders were broader, his face was more mature, and he was tanner than he was all those years ago.

"Corvus," he called. Of course, he knew me without even having his wand at the ready, without having to hear my voice, he knew me straight away.

"Ominis, my little brother," I smiled.

I paused a bit, as I saw a girl behind him, looking over his shoulder shyly. Ominis had his arm back, protectively, as she hugged it. Ominis' wife.

"Y/n? My, you've grown a lot!"

Her eyes sparked up as she moved away from Ominis' back. She was taller now too, but she still looked as gracious as ever.

The couple looked so well-put together, just like how they were when they were kids. It is why Y/n was always an option for Ominis' future wife. Though Ominis was still introduce to other maidens, Y/n was very much a good option, a better option if I must admit.

"Come in, it's cold outside," Ominis laughed softly as he stepped aside. "Y/n and I just finished baking,"

"Seems like your brothers love to come when we bake," Y/n laughed, still holding onto Ominis.

I laughed as I watched the couple hold onto eachother, as though they were put together by a binding spell. They were always inseparable, it was always Y/n and Ominis, and Ominis and Y/n. It seemed that there was nothing that could keep them apart. It was a shock when Ominis stated that they had stopped being friends during 5th and 6th year, but all was relieved when Ominis chose Y/n to wed.

"So, what brings you here?" Ominis asked as he sat down, and I stood admiring their comfy living room, filled with photos of the couple together.

"I am only here to warn. Father is upset," I explained.

Ominis sat up, as if understanding the severity of my caution. Upsetting father was one of the few things the Gaunt children feared. Upsetting father could mean a lot.

"Upset because..."

"Upset because Marvolo told him you and your wife wouldn't bear," I replied. I felt bad, as Y/n let out a soft 'eep' from the shock. She sat up too, gripping onto Ominis more.

"I've already said, if she's not won't happen. I am not forcing her. I've already forced this marriage onto her," Ominis sighed, his head lowered as not to show his frustration.

Ah yes. I know this pattern very well. A very familiar pattern indeed...

Her screams and pleas echoed through the walls of that manor. Father laughed, enjoying ever droplet of pain that flew down her cheek. Her body weakened with every scream.

"Let her go!" I exclaimed as I tried to aid her. Marvolo had his arm wrapped around my neck as he held me back, laughing too.

"This is what happens when wives fail to fulfil their duties," Marvolo smirked.

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