Chapter 15: Safe

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Ominis was more eager and excited than I was. It was hasn't been a few weeks since the bump started showing that Ominis wanted to run through the town and get all the supplies needed for the baby. But of course, along with his excitement, came his protectiveness.

"Must really we visit your parents to tell them the news? Can't we just send a letter," Ominis whined. I watched Ominis sigh from his reflection on the vanity mirror. While yes of course, I was indeed worried, I figured that it'd be more proper to do so. "Yes Omi. Worry not, we'll be quick," I reassured.

Ominis had his hand on my lap while my parents sat in front of us. It was quiet. All I could hear was the movement of house elves and the trinkling sound from the tea set.

Once all settled down, my mother finally let out a sigh. "So, what news do you have for us," she asked. "I'm pregnant, mother," I announced nervously, causing me to hold onto Ominis' hand.

My mother quickly put her tea down, while my father quietly choked on the announcement. "Pregnant? Do you say this in earnest, my child?" Father asked. "I do, I am," I responded. "How I have waited for this moment. We were afraid that we'd have to break off the marriage, and mary you off to another who'd actually force you," my mother laughed.

Annoyed, Ominis' eyelids dropped midway as he gripped my thigh tighter. "You'd rather have her be bedded forcefully, rather than lovingly?" Ominis grumbled. "Why yes of course, it's the only way we can get it through her thick skull.
I mean, women nowadays are so...hard-headed," my father replied. "Father..." I sighed. My father chuckled as he stood up. Oh no.

"Especially this one, let me tell you. Her mother and I worked so hard for her to be extraordinary, to use that ancient magic, only for us to find out that she's the only one in the family that didn't have it. 'She's an illegitimate child,' I thought. But she's not. I was given an ordinary child, as perhaps a punishment from the gods,"

My fist slowly curled into a ball as I continued to listen to my father speak. "So when we finally managed to wed her off, she was given one task. To continue the Gaunt bloodline. A simple task that she did not want to do. So thank the heavens you finally got it into your thick skull!" He continued. "That's quite enough," Ominis stated sternly as he stood up, covering my view. "I remember telling myself that now that she is your wife, you can deal with her...lack. And I am-,"

"That's right. She is my wife. The mother of MY children, MY WIFE. That means that you do not get to belittle her or speak to her in that manner ever again. Y/n was nice enough to at least come here and tell you about the great news rather than send a letter. The fact that she holds even the smallest bit of respect to you is remarkable, and yet you speak about her so awfully. I say no longer. She is no longer your little girl. She is my perfect girl, my perfect wife," Ominis intervened angrily.

I quickly stood up and hugged Ominis' arm. By the looks of it, my father was in shock with the overstep in respect Ominis did. I too was shocked by it.

"You better watch that mouth boy, you are forgetting who you're speaking to," my father scoffed.

"You're forgetting who you're speaking to. I am the heir of Slytherin. I am a Gaunt, and from a marital perspective, your daughter is too. I am not afraid to use my family's bloodline and power against you," Ominis spat sternly.

So many different voices and emotions boiled in my head. I was so enamoured by Ominis standing up for me, but so hurt of my father's words, and I was so stressed and worried that all these emotions was affecting my child. How was I supposed to feel? Am I expected to just keep it in or cry it out? Why was it so stressful to be me? These questions echoed in my head. My knees faltered to the ground as I finally let out a pained cry, a cry of hopelessness, a plea for help from the small little girl within me.


Still with my tears flowing down, I found myself in a different environment. Ominis had his arms wrapped around me as we sat on our bed. "Shh, it's okay my love," he whispered soothingly as he caressed my cheeks.

"Tell me what's going on inside that head of yours," Ominis sighed as he pushed off the hairs that covered my eyes.

"All my life...I did everything to please my family. Perfect grades, perfect fits, perfect everything. I put everything aside when they pleaded for my aid. And yet, despite following every single want and desire perfectly, it's still imperfect or not enough. Am- I- Am I not enough? Am I imperfect? A-Am I not enough for you too?" I sobbed.

"You is so hard to be children of parents with such high status. Sometimes we do so much and yet it feels like it's not enough. They tell you to be perfect, but not too perfect that you seem better than them. They tell you to be powerful but not too powerful, otherwise they'll look weak. They put so much pressure on you, and they expect you to keep it in. But my darling, I do not need you to be perfect for me. I need you to be who you are. I need you to cry when the world upsets you. I need you to hurt if need be. Give me your pains and your sorrows, your joys. In turn, I shall give you every ounce of my love and support," Ominis comforted.

Ominis placed soft kisses on my cheeks, and passionately on my lips. It was his favourite thing to do. He liked to kiss me when I hurt. His kisses comforted me, every bit of my soul; even the my little inner child.

"I do not want to live like this anymore," Ominis sighed. "Our families, they- they are an awful bunch,"

"They are awful but...we aren't like them," I sighed, nuzzling further on his chest.

"I know, but are now carrying our child. I do not like the idea that they'll be surrounded by the shadow of our bloodline. The pressures and the awful history," Ominis explained. "I want us to run away. Move to a small house, where our family can never find us. A house with a garden filled with your favourite flowers and scents. A house where the soft sunlight can go in and wake us up, a haven,"

"That sounds...nice, but...dangerous," I told him. "A risk I'm willing to take. For our family," he pleaded.

I sighed as I imagined it all. How perfect it'd be. "Okay," I sighed happily. "I'll make sure you're safe, my love," he whispered.


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