Chapter : 1 [ Love Letter ]

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Max did not know what he was doing exactly , he wanted to be a good boy and help poor Lily , who was so shy that she could not even leave an anonymous love letter in a locker ... which must be emphasized , So here he was, being a good soul, what could go wrong after all?

He walked with that typical carefree gait, that of someone who is no longer afraid of what could go wrong. In his hand was a pink envelope containing the letter, which by the way smelled of strawberries.

He came right to the locker he was looking for, 2-34, Jason Cooper's locker...the captain of the Soccer team.

Max didn't know Jason Cooper very well, but he had seen him play in the field and he was really good, plus he was brave enough to accept that he was attractive.

Jason was tall, with dark brown hair and charismatic gray eyes; although of course, all that was clouded with the arrogance that he gave off.

He frowned and concentrated on his task. He took the letter and positioned it on the small grids at the top of the locker. He had only to push the letter and it would all be done. But look what we have here. Max gave a start and jerked around causing the pink envelope to slip from his hands.

Holy crap!

In front of him was nothing more and nothing less than Henry Miles , one of the forwards of the Soccer team and behind Henry ... Jason Cooper .

" What were you doing there? " Henry asked with a smirk.

"Ah... I..." he swallowed and tried to back away, but his back collided with the lockers. " Nothing ."

" That sounds like a lie to me." Jason stepped forward. " What were you doing in my locker? "

" I made a mistake ! Yes, that... I thought it was mine . " the words rushed out of his mouth, which revealed his lie.

Both soccer players shared a look of complicity and took a step closer. Henry's gaze drifted to the ground, where a pink envelope rested, which at that moment seemed to be painted neon or at least that was what Max thought he saw.

" What's that ?" Henry bent down to take the rectangle of paper.

"No ! " Max tried to reach down and pick it up, but Jason's hand pushing him against the locker stopped him.

' I'm dead ' Max thought, his pretty blue eyes wide.

" Oh, my God ! " Henry laughed. " You were leaving Jason a love letter. "

If Max believed that he could get away with all this, he was beginning to give up on that idea.

" That is not true ."

" Yes of course ." Henry opened the envelope and took out an equally pink sheet of paper . " Everyone knows that you are a little butterfly, so it would not be strange if you were behind Jason. "

Of course the whole school knew about his sexual orientation. He had known it since a year ago when Max had yelled " I'M GAY! " in the middle of the hall, while Alice Jones, a girl who hadn't left him alone all blessed semester, tried to kiss him.

Sure, Max wasn't the only gay kid at that school, but that public statement had doomed him.

" I'm not after anyone. " Max complained puffing out his cheeks. " That letter is not mine. "

" And then whose is it? " Jason asked putting more pressure on his chest. Still it wasn't enough to do any damage.

The blue - eyed boy pursed his lips and shook his head , he knew that the best thing to do was spill the beans and admit that the letter was from Lily Price , but he knew that if he did ... Jason and his friends would make his life miserable to the poor girl.

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