chapter : 19

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It had been the longest eleven days of all time, at least that's how it was for Max, because since Damon was grounded he hadn't been able to communicate with him. He called him, sent him texts, tried to make video calls and even went to his house but it seemed that Damon had been swallowed up by the earth.

Max still didn't want to accept it, however, it was becoming increasingly apparent that Damon was avoiding him. The question was why ? He didn't remember doing anything wrong to him and even so...

All those days of his absence had served Max to realize how much he had gotten used to Damon. He missed seeing him every day, he missed going to his house and spending the afternoon in front of the television doing nothing in particular, he missed that mocking half smile... God! How was it that they had become so close?

That's why this morning, as soon as he arrived at school, Max stood by the door willing to wait for Damon since that was the day his suspension would end.

Ben was next to him with his nose in his English book.

" Hey Maxi, don't you mind if I go to the classroom? It's just that I forgot to do one of the exercises in the book and I want to finish it before the class starts , " said Ben without taking his eyes off the book .

" Go, I'll catch up with you in a bit. "

"Good ."

Ben left him alone and nervous, the truth was that he was afraid of what could happen once Damon appeared. He just hoped that things would continue to be the same as before, he needed it to be that way.

" Hello Max " Lucas whispered hugging him from behind and tickling him.

" Hello Lucas "

Lucas released him allowing him to turn around and realize that Scott was also there.

" Hello Scotty. "

" Hey. "

He didn't know if it was his idea but Scott had been weird all week . He would sometimes stare at him with an overly serious expression or when he asked if he had seen Damon, he would simply avert his eyes and vaguely deny . But maybe it was all his imagination.

" Oh, look who has returned " joked Lucas .

And indeed, at that moment Damon was walking up the front stairs with a nonchalant and haughty step . He was wearing black jeans, a sweatshirt rolled up to his elbows exposing his tattoos. Inevitably Max's heart began to race.

" Hello Damon! It's good that you've returned " Max said with a huge smile and yet, Damon didn't pay him the slightest attention.

" What did I miss these days? " Asked Damon, bumping his fists with Lucas and Scott.

" I hope you didn't have too much fun without me. "

" Not at all "

Lucas didn't seem happy.

" I think you forgot to say hello to someone..." he moved his eyes in the direction of Max .

" Eh, nope, I don't think so. " Damon smiled coldly. " By the way, I think you're going to have to remind me what class we have right now. This week away has made me forget everything. "

" We have math ." Scott answered with a slightly uncomfortable expression.

" So let's go ."

And so Damon walked into the school without deigning to see Max, he left him standing there looking like a lost kitten not knowing what to do.

Max bit his lower lip a little too hard and then with a resigned sigh he went to his respective classroom, after all the day had just started and he would have more opportunities to talk to Damon.

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