Chapter : 6

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Damon was sitting on a bench in the schoolyard.  It was lunch time and even though he was starving, there was no way he was going into the cafeteria, not unless he wanted to run into Max. 

That blue-eyed brat had been hanging around him for the past few days. He kept stalking him through the halls, greeting him or jumping on his back as if they were lifelong friends. 

Worst of all was watching Lucas and Scott laugh at each other at his expense.  He sometimes felt tempted to grab the little elf and threaten him to stop fucking with him. But there was something that wouldn't let him, maybe it was those huge blue eyes that looked at him with admiration.

He shook his head and growled under his breath.  He was dying for a cigarette, but the pack had been left in his other jacket. 

He closed his eyes and rested his head on the hard back of the bench, the sun warming his skin pleasantly. 

"Hello..." he shuddered when he heard his lively voice. 

If he continued like this, he would end up having nightmares. 

Damon straightened up in his place and opened his eyes to then glare at the owner of that singing voice.  What was he doing wrong?  Why doesn't the little elf huff in terror at the hardness of his gaze? 

" What do you want ? " he growled, his gaze straight ahead. 

A group of girls was sitting over there.  They watched him and gave him silly smiles, he was tempted for a moment to run towards them just to avoid Max. 

" Since you didn't go to the cafeteria, I decided to bring your food here ." Max handed him a sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil and a can of soda

" This time I didn't shake it, I promised." 

" I don't want to ."

Yes, he was being ungrateful, but all he wanted was for the boy to leave him alone

" Get out. " 

" But..."

" I told you to get out!  Do you want me to write it down for you to understand? "

' Oh shit '  Damon thought when he saw those blue huge eyes watering, that before Max turned and hurried back inside the school.

He sat there trying to ignore the guilt that was beginning to coil inside him.

He shook his head and crossed his arms , he wouldn't go after the fly, he wouldn't. He stood up and began to walk in the direction of the canteen, surely the boy would be there. 

Going through the double doors he bumped into Scott. 

" Watch where you're going. " growled his friend, giving him a frown look. 

" And what the hell is wrong with you? "  Damon asked at the angry tone of his friend. 

"I should ask that." he narrowed his eyes.  " Was it so difficult to accept the food that the boy was giving you? "

" Yeah..."

" Damon, well let me tell you that accepting a sandwich is not equivalent to signing a contract. "

"Anyway, why the hell are we talking about this?"  His patience was beginning to fade. 

" Max came here and was crying, then he ran away.  Lucas and Tucker went after him to try to calm him down. "

" Seriously ? " Damon laughed in disbelief.  "I didn't even touch him, I just told him to go away." 

" Damon..."

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