Chapter : 17

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Damon didn't know whether to feel embarrassed or ridiculous, although perhaps feeling both was allowed as well . He took a deep breath and steeled himself to enter that store. 

As soon as he entered he felt overwhelmed . The walls of the store were pastel colors, too soft for Damon's taste.  He looked around for what he wanted and the truth was that everything seemed too girly... maybe, just maybe, this wasn't the right place to buy Max's gift. 

" Hello ! Welcome to Sweety Kitty!  How can I help you ? " A cute red-haired girl appeared in front of Damon. 

She was short and curvaceous.  Her smile was huge and nice, yet she didn't draw Damon's attention at all. 

" Umm, yes..." He ran his hand over the back of her neck as a sign of nervousness.  He felt stupid in that place

" I'm looking for something to give away.  Do you have something in mind? "

"  If this is not the case, I could show you our entire range of accessories and jewelry, they are the most popular products to give away ." The redhead did not stop smiling. Didn't her cheeks hurt?

" In fact, I had thought of something.  Someone told me that they sell wool hats with cat ears here. "

" Yes !  Those hats are very, very popular "  The girl made a sign for him to follow her

" You're lucky because we got a new batch of hats just this morning, so we have a wide variety of colors. " 

After that conversation with Scott, Damon had made the decision to 'conquer' Max, or at least find out if the attraction he felt was mutual . So when he left school he went straight to his house and looked for Fallen to ask her where she had bought her hat with cat ears. He thought that Max would really like that gift and that's why he ended up in sweety kitty. 

" Here are all the colors we have." The girl stopped in front of a table on which rested a large number of hats and she didn't lie when she said that she had a fairly large range of colors. 

" Is the gift for your girlfriend? "

Damon's face fell at that question and his cheeks turned a soft reddish color.  Damon Colter blushed, that was certainly a novelty. 

" Please tell me they're not just for girls. "

The redhead almost laughed at Damon's sorrowful face , fortunately she knew how to hide it very well and instead gave him a reassuring smile . 

" Of course not, the hats are unisex, so you don't have to worry. "

Damon dedicated himself to choosing a color, it was difficult because he didn't know which one would be better.  It was divided between a gray color and a maroon one. 

" So..." began her clerk because she was very curious about that boy in front of her. 

He had that rude boy look that seemed a bit unusual to see him in a store like that. 

" Is the gift for... You boyfriend? "

Damon looked up, a little stunned by the question, then looked away. 

" Something like that ." He bit his lip and asked the girl . " What color do you think is better? " 

He showed her the hats he had chosen. 
He has brown hair and blue eyes...

" Well " The girl thought about it for a moment and then smiled . " I thought gray would be perfect. "

" Then I'll take that one. " 

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