Chapter : 2 [ Seeking Refuge ]

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A week had passed since the matter of the letter. Max had apologized to Lily for not being able to comply with the matter and it goes without saying that the girl had panicked. She was afraid of becoming the laughing stock of the entire soccer team... luckily Max calmed her down.

But if at any time Max had believed that the matter of the letter was forgotten, he had been miserably wrong. He knew when he realized that Henry Miles and Brice Olsen (another member of the team) were secretly following him through the corridors and no, they were not his paranoia.

" And then the fucking coach told me that I should go the rest of the week and the next whole week I have to clean the locker rooms during lunch, can you believe it? "

Max turned his gaze in the direction of his best friend.

The blond hair boy watched him with his vibrant green eyes, waiting for an answer. It is certain that the Max did not remember what the conversation was about. He had no choice but to tempt fate.

" Well, thats not good ." he made a shocked face and knew he said the right thing when Billy smiled . " What are you going to do now ?"

"Well, I don't know ." Billy snorted,
"but I sure as hell am not going to show him how much his obnoxious attitude bothers me." Because if there is something that makes that old man angry, it is that he does not fall for his provocations.

" You're doing well, the least you need right now is that I'm really safe with you. "

" Exactly."

And that was precisely why Max hadn't told her about the altercation he had with Jason and Henry. He was sure that Ben would run to confront them and that would only be an excuse for Coach Bradford to take on his friend.

" Well, I have to complete my punishment, so I'm leaving... I'll see you later. "

' What punishment ? ' He was about to ask but he didn't. He stood in the middle of the hall, watching his friend leave as the bell rang, giving notice for lunch.

In the blink of an eye, the hallway turned into a congested area filled with students looking for food, like predators.

Even with all this chaos of moving bodies, Max was able to identify Henry's pale brown head and a few steps behind, Brice was giving him a huge shark grin.

Max swallowed and spun around, trying to decide where he should go to hide. The roof was totally discarded and the bathrooms were like serving themselves on a silver tray.

It was fucking ridiculous that Henry was the one chasing him around, shouldn't Jason be the one doing it? After all, it was his mailbox where Max intended to deposit the letter. Deep in his thoughts , he did not realize that he had reached a ' dead end ' , his only escape was behind the double doors that led to the cafeteria ... and well , it is not that he was excited to enter it and be humiliated beaten in front of all the students. But he also didn't want to be beaten up in a deserted hallway, where no one could help him.

He rushed into the cafeteria. The contrast of environments was a bit shocking , the silent corridor being covered by the bustle of students who were chatting and eating at the same time .

It was a relief that no one was paying real attention to him, so he took a couple of steps forward before realizing that it wasn't like he had anyone who could either. He could not go to the table where the sweet Lily Price was quietly enjoying her lunch. He sometimes sucked having only one friend and no, he wasn't going to take refuge behind Ben like she always did.

Then his sight traveled to the back of the cafeteria, to a table that seemed to be isolated, since there were only three people on it. Damon Colter's table.

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