Chapter : 11

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The days went by quickly and by the time Max realized it, the bell for the last class period on Friday had already rung and coincidentally that period had been Fundamental Physics.

In theory Max had nothing to do there anymore, but curiosity was killing him because he needed to know if Jason had passed the exam. Usually the teacher used to hand in the results a week later, but since Jason needed to know his grade in order to play, the teacher was reviewing his test at once.

Max was leaning against the wall in front of the Physics room, staring at his conversation. There was no one else in the corridors.

Then Jason walked out of the room holding a sheet of paper in his right hand.

"Hey." The captain said with surprise when he saw Max. " I thought you had gone home."

"Yes, this..." Max smiled a little embarrassed. "I just wanted to know how you did on the exam."

" I see ." Jason walked up to him and without warning wrapped his arms around him and started giggling and spinning around like an excited child.

Then he released him leaving him a little unsteady on his feet.

"Look at this" Jason handed him the sheet of paper that had been slightly crumpled.

Max opened his eyes in surprise and a smile formed on his lips.

" I got a fucking nine! I never thought I would get such a grade in this subject."

" Congratulations ! " Now it was Max who hugged the captain. " I was so happy for you "

" Now you know you just need to pay a little attention to get good grades."

" No " The older one denied and took Max's face in his hands

" This is thanks to you. " He stamped a kiss on his forehead.

Max froze, his cheeks flushed. He never imagined that Jason would do something like that, he felt strange.

" I-it's not that bad, I just did what I could. "

" Well, it means a lot to me that you have given me your help. Which means that now I am in your debt " The captain smiled broadly making his gray eyes shine with warmth . " If there is something I can do for you, just say so. "

Max frowned a little uncomfortably. When he offered to help Jason, he didn't expect to receive anything in return.

" It is not necessary, I helped you because I wanted to, not so that you would thank me."

Jason let out a laugh and gently pinched one of the brunette's cheeks.

"I know, but I'd like to thank you anyway."

Max opened his mouth willing to argue but the captain didn't let him speak.

" And since you won't ask for anything, I'll think of something . On the other hand... are you coming to watch the game tomorrow? "

" I don't know, I'm not a big fan of soccer..."

" You have to come, you have to see me... well , see us win. The atmosphere is very fun. "

Max bit his lip indecisively . He usually didn't like to go to the games because he always had to sit alone and he was terribly bored.

" I don't think..."

" Please! " Jason got very close making Max hit the wall .

" Please, please, please. You have to come . "

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