Chapter : 20

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Since Max had decided to get away from Damon, a week had passed. Max tried with all his might not to feel bad, he tried to ignore the sadness caused by having to sit at another table for lunch, but he failed miserably. 

He constantly found himself looking for Damon among all the students, just as he found himself with his phone in hand ready to send him a text.  He couldn't take it anymore. Added to all of the above was the fact that he had to lie to Ben and tell him that everything was fine, but he knew that his friend was not stupid . However he respected his space. 

On the other hand, his friendship with Jason grew stronger every day, he discovered that they had many things in common , for example, they were both lovers of reading and eighties movies, something that was not expected from the captain.  In addition to the fact that he didn't have to worry about Henry's enmity anymore, because even he was ' nice ', he didn't call him a faggot anymore and he didn't threaten to hit him anymore and they had even had a couple of decent talks;  It was ironic that he had to leave one table to be accepted at another. 

Everything was ' fine ', but for Max it wasn't enough because he missed Lucas and Scott, he missed sitting at the same table with Ben making jokes and Damon scolding them for being so loud.  He missed that feeling of belonging to a group so much.

But above all things, he missed the complicity he had formed with Damon .  Those nights when they exchanged messages until dawn seemed so far away and the absence hurt . That was why he was determined to end that situation . It didn't matter if Damon didn't want to listen to him, he would do whatever it took, but that day he would fix things yes or yes. 

The bell announcing the end of classes rang . He received arts and since he didn't share it with any of his friends he hurried out and ran towards the main entrance so he could intercept Damon before he left . When he arrived at the destination he ran into Scott's chest squarely. 

" Hey, calm down. " Scott laughed and ran a hand over his head. " Where are you going in such a hurry ?"

" I was looking for Damon, I have to talk to him. "

Scott's expression totally changed . He went from smiling to being very serious, that greatly disconcerted Max.

" What's happening ?" He asked. 

" Damon already left..." The boy ran a hand over the back of his neck and looked away.  " Listen Max, I don't like this situation between you, because it's stressful to bear Damon's bad mood and on top of that Lucas and Ben's sarcastic comments..."

" I know, I don't like what's happening either and that's why I want to fix things, but how am I going to do it if Damon won't let me near ? What's more, I don't even know why he is so upset with me. "

Scott stared at him, then cursed under his breath . Now Max was confused. 

" You really don't know? "

Max shook his head..

" Damon is upset because the day he had a fight with Jason, you defended the captain. "

" That's why ?  But…but…I wasn't defending Jason . I just wanted him to stop the fight  "

Max leaned against the wall, vaguely watching how the rest of the students left the building . " You know Daemon better than anyone, in addition to the fact that at first glance you can tell that Daemon is superior to Jason in terms of strength. "

" True "

" If I interfered in the fight and asked him to stop hitting him, it was because while I was on my way to the roof "

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