Chapter : 13

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Max watched as both teams warmed up before the start of the game. He was sitting in the second row of the stands with Scott and Lucas, who were distracted by eating sweets.

" Want ? " Lucas asked, handing him a bag of chips.

"Thank you." he smiled broadly and got ready to eat.

He looked around looking for Damon, but to no avail . Damon hadn't arrived yet and he probably wouldn't and that made him feel sad . Damon told him that he would come , although of course, that didn't mean he had to.

" Max! " He turned his gaze to the front only to see Ben calling to him from the other side of the fence that separated the stands and the field.

He stood up and ran until he was close to his friend.

" Hello Ben! "

" Hey, I thought you wouldn't come " Ben reached out his hand and stole a handful of chips " By the way, I hope you encourage me."

" Of course I will, you shouldn't doubt that, you just take care of trying your best, okay? "

Ben smiled and nodded. Max jumped when Lucas and Scott stood next to him.

" Hey Ben Boy! " Lucas crooned, giving Ben a fist bump. " Ready to kick the darlings of Bradbury High's ass?"

" More than ready . In fact I have waited for this moment since last year. "

They all nodded remembering that the previous year it was precisely the Bradbury High team that left them out of the championship right in the semifinals. So meeting them in the first phase of the playoffs was quite a challenge, they couldn't afford to lose to them again.

"Be careful." Scott warned in a serious tone. " I heard somewhere that those idiots are willing to win at any cost, which probably means they played dirty. "

"I wouldn't be surprised." Ben snorted. " but we've trained hard and that should be enough to win."

" Hope so, because I wouldn't want you to sit at the same table as me if you can't even beat those idiots in a soccer game. "

Max turned startled when he heard that voice and couldn't help but smile widely when he saw Damon with that arrogant expression and his lopsided smile.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Max whispered.

" I told you I would, didn't I?"

Lucas nudged his boyfriend to see Damon. Damon had an expression that was too sweet and the most surprising of all was that he was addressing Max and he didn't even seem to be aware of it.

" And where is your cheerleader uniform? " Ben asked with a smirk earning a scowl from Damon.

" Fuck you Tucker..." Everyone started laughing (except Daemon).

And as if he were an expert at ruining moments, Jason Cooper trotted up to them.

" Hi guys ! "

Only Max answered the greeting.

" Hey look, the captain honors us with his presence! I think I'm going to pass out when I want to ." Lucas could be so downright malicious.

Jason's smile seemed to falter for a moment, but it grew big and bright again as his gray eyes landed on Max.

"I hope you don't lose sight of me in the game." said the captain in the direction of Max.

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