Chapter : 3 [ The Boy Who Lived ]

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" I can not believe it ! " Ben yelled, running his hands over his face. " Why didn't you tell me anything?"

Max sighed. He knew that his friend would react that way when he told him about the problem he had with Jason and Henry.

" Because I knew you would react this way. And I didn't want to get you in trouble. "

For a moment Ben said nothing and they both continued on their way to the school. Max and Ben lived very close to each other, which is why Ben picked him up every morning and they walked together to the school.

"I don't mind getting in trouble ." Ben said, tightening the straps of his backpack. "You know you're like my little brother and I'd do anything to help you."

"I'm only a year younger than you, plus you already have enough problems with the coach for him to look for you more"

he made a face.

" And I don't think confronting the captain of the team you belong to is a good idea."

" You should have told me anyway " Ben was especially good at pouting " but leaving that aside... How the hell do you think of sitting at Damon Colter's table?! "

Yes, he had also told him about it, he really didn't want to do it but he knew that sooner or later Ben would find out.

" Henry and Brice were following me. What else could I do? "

" I don't know ." he said it with that duh tone, that Max hated so much.

" Of course, if I hadn't done that, Henry and the Brain would have reached me. "

" And the best thing that occurred to you was to throw yourself into the lion's den " Ben rolled his eyes .

" You could have died on that table. " Max chuckled, when Ben wanted it, he could act like a drama queen.

" Damon and his friends are not bad, they are even friendly..."

They had arrived at the school and as they climbed the steps towards the entrance , Max noticed that Damon was sitting on one of the benches , which doubled as planters .

He smiled widely and began to walk in the direction of the Damon .

" Where are you going ?" Ben asked when he saw how his friend walked away from him.

Max walked stealthily and went around the bench until he was behind Damon's back and he being focused on his phone, did not realize that he was being stalked.

" Don't you dare..." Begged Ben when he understood the intentions of his friend.

But Max ignored him. He covered Damon's eyes with his hands and held back a laugh so as not to be discovered.

Max was sometimes too innocent, and so he expected Damon to take his hands and ask 'Who are you?' That didn't happen, Damon grabbed his wrists and in a quick movement pulled him over his shoulder causing Max to fall on his lap.

"Hello" Max said with a huge smile as he was watched by a very angry Damon.

Damon didn't respond, instead he pushed him from his lap, making him crash to the ground.

" Ouch! "

" Hey ! " Ben hastened to pick up Max. " Be careful, you're going to break his bones. "

" Keep your house elf away from my group ." Damon snarled, giving Max one last frown, before heading inside the school.

Far from what Ben had expected, Max chuckled in amusement as he watched Damon leave.

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