Chapter : 8

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Monday started off well for Max, of course, aside from Ben's 'mother hen' outburst at seeing him with that black eye. The friend of his had run in his direction, had hugged him and above all, swore to tear off the head of the culprit. 

" Tell me it was Henry and I swear I'll kill him. "

Max had laughed and told him what really happened, of course that didn't lessen Ben's concern. Luckily for Max, he didn't share the second class of the day with his friend , which gave him a chance to breathe a little away from his affectionate overprotectiveness .

However , the second class did not start so well . Professor Martinez , who taught the Fundamental Physics class , had decided to switch places , according to him to : ' make them live together better . '

Max , who knew his bad luck , was not surprised when he ended up sitting next to Jason Cooper and since he did not know how to react , he decided to ignore him , which would not be so easy for him .

"Hello" Jason was trying to get his attention, but Max ignored him perfectly.

" Hey , are you mad at me ?" 

" No " He whispered, realizing that he wouldn't stop bothering him until he answered. 

" I think so " Jason approached him and said in his ear.  " Why are you angry ? "

" I-I'm not... and now stop talking, you distract me. " 

Jason sighed and remained silent, making Max think that he would finally leave him alone, and then the professor decided to leave the room, but not before leaving them an extensive exercise to keep them silent. 

" So... are you angry? "

Max turned his face and glared at Jason.

" Now I'm starting to get angry. "

" Wow, what happened to your eye? " The captain raised a hand and caressed the chestnut's bruise very delicately, making Max blush. 

" Or rather, who did that to you? "

" It was an accident..."

" Yes, of course ." he frowned and his tone turned serious.. " Do my friends have something to do with this? "

That really surprised Max and for a moment made him lower his guard, however he remembered Jason's promise and how in the end he hadn't kept it. 

" It wasn't them, but I don't know why you ask, it's not like you really care. " 

"Of course I care, I promised I'd talk to Henry so he wouldn't bother you anymore and I did." Jason leaned back in the chair without taking his gray eyes off Max. 

" He promised me that he wouldn't do it again. "

"Aha" Max laughed humorlessly. " Well, just so you know, that day you promised to talk to Henry, he dragged me to the back of the school and he and Brice were planning to play the prank of the year on me. "

" I didn't know..."

" If it hadn't been for Lucas and Damon, they would have made it. "

Jason was silent, looking embarrassed and that managed to soften Max up.  Not that he could blame the captain, besides they weren't friends either, not even close enough to ask him for anything. 

" I'm sorry " Jason whispered . " Henry didn't say anything like that, but now I understand where the bruises he and Brice had came from."

Jason's eyes clouded over with sadness and that confused Max .

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