Chapter : 15

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Damon gently pushed Max to sit on the huge bed. It had been quite a journey to get the little elf home , especially since the boy woke up halfway there and kept talking and talking , at some point he claimed to be a 'shadowhunter' and asked Damon to be his 'parabatai', something that left Damon in the clouds because he didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

When they arrived at Max's house, they were presented with a new challenge, since the youngest did not remember where he had the keys. So Damon had to check all his pockets while he held him by the waist so he wouldn't fall to the ground.

They then had a stormy journey up the stairs to the second floor, as Max had an epic laughing fit . And in the end, Damon ended up throwing his thin body over his shoulder and opening door after door until he found what he supposed was Max room.

" Okay, stay here. "

" No !" The boy put his hands around his neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. " Don't go, I don't want to be alone."

" Calm down "

He try to put him back in bed, but he couldn't .

" I'll just go to the kitchen for some water for you. I won't go, Maxwell, I promise. "

" Pinky Promise ?" Max returned to the bed and held up a hand with the little finger extended.

Damo chuckled at the gesture . His sister made those kinds of promises... when she was six years old.

'Pinky Promise' he hooked his little finger with Max's and smiled reassuringly at him.

" Now I'll be back and please don't do anything crazy, I don't want you to hurt yourself. "

" Okay, I'll stay here. " The boy sat in the center of the bed in Indian style and folded his hands in his lap.

'Cute' Damon thought with a goofy smile on his lips . Then he cleared his throat and left the room in search of the kitchen.

The Knight's house was huge and modern. Although that must be normal if Max's parents worked so much, they must have earned quite well. Everything in this place screamed 'good taste' but there was something Damon didn't like . The house had everything, modern appliances, expensive furniture, but... he felt empty, without any human warmth. Maybe that was why Max felt so alone.

"I wouldn't want to live here." Damon whispered as he continued his tour until he finally found the kitchen and his mouth fell open.

Mom would faint with excitement if she saw this place.

It was huge and looked so neat and expensive, even though it looked like it was only used very occasionally.

He hurried to find a glass and filled it with water. He was about to go back to Max when his phone started ringing. He put the glass down on the counter and took out the device. ' Mom ' read on the screen . For a moment he had the impulse to reject the call, but in the end he received it.

"Hi, what's up ? "

" At what time do you think you are coming back ? "she did not say it by way of reproach. It was more than anything to make sure her son was okay.

"Yes, well... I won't be back tonight."

"Damon." Her mother sighed. " You know I don't like that you're in bed with any girl out there. "

Damon blushed and shot an incredulous look at the phone. Why was her mom so direct?

"It's not what you think." He suddenly felt like a child. " I'm not going to stay with any girl, in fact I'm going to stay with Max. "

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